How to get rid of volatile ants

How to get rid of volatile ants

The volatile ants are ordinary ants to all of us, whose wings grow in front of the marriage season and mating. The fertilized female can fly to your house and settle in it, engaged in the withdrawal of the future hordes of workers. Small ants will begin to disarm in your abode, destroying everything that comes across on the way, and dragging the necessary food to your anthill (this may be not only food remnants from your table, but also some felling or debris particles). Ways to combat volatile ants are practically no different from those that are used to get rid of the usual fellless of their fellows.

Start exploration. Find out where small workers refer their prey. Remember that ant nests in the house may be somewhat. Volatile ants love to settle in raw and wet places (bath, outdoor window sills, plums), as well as under plinths, walls of walls or ceiling. Fight with the found insects Start, spraying boric acid in the area of \u200b\u200ball the nests found and the moves of the uninvited neighbors.

And the ants do not put the smell of alcohol. In the container with the sprayer, pour 2 tsp. Alcohol, 3 ppm Tools for washing dishes and some water. Shake the solution before formation of foam and treat them favorite insects.

The easiest way to get rid of ants will be an independent use of chemical insecticides (pencils, trap houses, gels, aerosols). Deodorized active substances of such drugs are very harmful to the human body, so we have finished the room by any of the similar funds, try to leave it for 2-3 days.

Effective and safe tool in the fight against small straps - boric acid. Mix a little substance with any sweet product (50 g of water, 50 g of sugar, 1 tsp. Jam or honey and 5 g of boras). Explore such a "delicacy" along the path of ants and after a day, notice many dead insects. Little workers will strive to feed the sweets and their queen-female, they will give her poison, which will serve as the extermination of the entire nest.

Spread corn flour near insect habitats. The ants eat flour, they will definitely drink it, and in the meantime, the swirl in their stomach, will kill them.

If you have noticed that the ants go to visit your territory from neighbors - protect all the possible passes, where they may appear: close and tempt all the slots (check the ducts and communications), spread special sticky tapes on their way, make it unpleasant smelling For them, the barrier with garlic, vinegar or cloves, deprive the ants of any possible access to food and water.

Note! The volatile ants multiply faster than usual, so you can get rid of them as quickly as possible. If all of these methods do not help you to drive out of the uninvited guests, seek help in the destruction of pests.

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