How to get rid of midges in the apartment

How to get rid of midges in the apartment

Midges become uninvited guests in the apartment, especially in summer. They spoil the products and indoor plants, some even bite a person. Insects breed quickly and become a real disaster for the owners. Do not be discouraged, you can quickly get rid of the midges.

Find out the reason for the appearance of midges in the apartment

First, deal with the source of the appearance of insects. This will help in further fighting. Sources of the appearance of moshcar:

  • bucket for garbage. Make sure that on the bottom of the bucket there was no remnants of garbage and moisture, this is the perfect power source for insects. Regularly take the garbage from the apartment. Bucket immediately wash hot water and dry;
  • rejected or dirty vegetables and fruits. Carefully inspect all the fruits with vegetables, who have fallen immediately throw away. Store products in the refrigerator, on the table and in the closets do not lay out. Midges love firing vegetables with fruit and lay the larvae on them;
  • indoor flowers. Moshcar loves to start on colors, especially if you water them with tea welding. If the humidity in the flower is excessive - insects appear near the flower pots. Do not pour high flowers with water;
  • sewage. In the sewer tube, the remains of food flowing there and begin to decompose there. Pests Poam flew into the room. Clean the sewer timely;
  • pets. Insects can live in aquariums, in cells of home rodents and birds. The remains of the dishes or the unwashed bowl will become the source of their appearance. There is also a neural place to eat a cat or dog, too will attract annoying moshkar. More often in the aquarium, change the water, regularly wash the bowls of pets.

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Folk recipes fighting midges in the apartment

Get rid of the annoying midges by the following folk methods:

  • pour water into a glass jar. In the water, add a slightly washing liquid tool for dishes and apple vinegar. Place the bank to the places of cluster of the midges, and after 2-3 hours you will not see in the apartment insects. Apple vinegar will attract them, and the detergent does not allow you to get out of the bank. Update the contents of the cans every week;
  • put the chrlen root into the transparent bag into the transparent bag. Discover the kracles and put in place with midges. Insects hate the smell of shit and leave the apartment;
  • make a bait in the form of fallen bananas. Put into the package pieces of spoiled fruit or banana peel. If there are no bananas - use another spoiled product. Parasites immediately fly to rot. Close the quickly crook and take a garbage container into the street;
  • pour a slightly beer or wine to the bottom of the container. For example, in the lid from under the cake. Moshcar flies on the drink and drown in it;
  • leave in a liter or two-liter jar of compote or sweet tea for the night. Close the jar of the food film and do small holes in it. Many insects are tightened to the bait, and back they will not get out. In the morning pour water there and pour all the contents of the cans in the toilet.

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Physical methods to combat moshqara

  • Pests can fly from the sink. Open hot water and wash off the residues of food with them. Use if necessary by Vanatuz.
  • Use the vacuum cleaner. Include it to the greatest power and start hunting insects. Then take out the bag and shake out on the street.
  • Spit moshkar from the apartment. Grind the camphor and pour on a hot frying pan. As soon as you see couples, carefully take the frying pan and slowly go around the whole apartment with it. Midges do not endure smoke, and for people it does not represent danger.
  • To get rid of midges in flower pots, make a weak solution of manganese and paint all plants. Instead of mangartee, you can use a special color care agent.

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Chemical preparations in combating midges

Buy in the store an aerosol or chemical solution to combat insects. Treat an entire room around the perimeter with an aerosol. But first, remove the pets from the room, output the children and the elderly. Use during the spraying of the drug gloves, respirator, put on the old robe with long sleeves and glasses. Before use, carefully examine the instructions.

Inspect all rooms in secluded hard-to-reach places, especially in the kitchen. Midges fly to pieces of spoiled food or faded potatoes in the box. The detected source of midges immediately remove and sprinkle this place with a chemical preparation.

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Compliance with the above rules and councils will help to get rid of the annoying moshcar. Maintain cleanliness, get rid of fallen products, do not leave wet rags and dirty dishes. It will help keep the apartment clean and cozy.

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