How to get rid of dust in the apartment

How to get rid of dust in the apartment

With whatever carefulness, you clean up in your apartment, dust inevitably returns to all clean surfaces. Even the protested interior items just after a few minutes are covered with a layer of dust. How to get rid of this annoying destroyer your efforts - dust? In addition to sponges, water and detergents, take on weapons and some techniques of proper cleaning.

Understanding the nature of dust leads to disappointing conclusion: it is impossible to get rid of dust forever. So get ready to fight her diligently and regularly.

What is dust? Dust is a cluster of small dirt particles, the emergence of which cannot be stopped. The "composition" of dust includes: dead particles of the skin and hair of man, as well as animal living in the house, flower pollen, dirt grains, penetrating through the window from the street (for example, particles from car rubber tires). But the most unpleasant "component" is, of course, tick-soprophith: its share in the composition of dust reaches 40%.

Dust create and distribute mostly people and pets. Sends dust absolutely on all surfaces - smooth and embossed. Fabric interior items - carpets, upholstered furniture, plush toys, bedspreads - accumulate dust particles and generously divide by them when contacting man. Therefore, the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, the less people live in it and the less in the rooms of the items, the slower the dust accumulates. In order to reduce the intensity of dust accumulation, often knock carpets and use wet cleaning to them, wash the bedspreads, curtains, toys, clean the furniture. The objects of secondary importance are removed in the closet, the books on the shelves behind the glass.

If you really want to see the order in the house, rub dust every day. With systematic cleaning, it will not take a lot of time. Dust must be eliminated with wet sponges and rags. The effectiveness of the feathers, which are so often shown in the movies, is greatly exaggerated: these devices only smear dust from the subjects.

After using a vacuum cleaner, be sure to carry out wet cleaning. Wet cleaning is the first enemy of dust accumulation. Clean your vacuum cleaner walls, and a special nozzle - plinth, corners, hard-to-reach places and furniture. In the vacuum cleaner, it is preferable to use disposable paper bags for garbage, since the tissue collects dry dirt particles and subsequently become sources of dust.

An excellent assistant in the fight against dust will be a humidifier.

The dust content outside is less than indoors. Therefore, the constant circulation of air flow between the house and the street will reduce the rate of its appearance. Check the apartment as often as possible.

Even if it is impossible to completely get rid of dust, keep cleanliness in the house for a longer period of good mistress fully bye.

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POSITIVE 20/03/2015 at 21:11

With the help of modern technology, you can get rid of dust (even from sofas and mattresses) and clean the air. Our friend has HYLA, she copes with all this perfectly.


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