How to get into the apartment

How to get into the apartment

Cut into order in the apartment - a frequent "task of the day" owners. To successfully cope with it, it is important first to tune in to a positive: "Now I quickly and easily give everything to order so that I and my family it is cozy and nice to be at home." Turn on the invigorating music, it will be faster and more fun.

Start cleaning with kitchen. Take a look into the refrigerator, perhaps something has already become unusable, then throw it away and free the container. Remove the dirty dishes, the one that is immediately difficult to wash, soak in hot water. Wet dishes fold on a wafer towel, laid out on the table, or on special coasters for dishes so that water glass.

Wipe the work surface of the plate, the side panels of the plate, cabinets, microwaves and refrigerators if there are contaminants. From all the countertops, collect crumbs and dust. Dry clean dishes spread to your places in the closet, do not leave frying pan and pans on the stove, they clutter the space. It is better to remove everything over the cabinets to be removed from the table: let it remain one vase with fruits or sweets.

In the toilet, you simply simply treat the toilet to the toilet with a special disinfectant, for example, "Domasestos", and leave for a time to "otk". Take a bathroom. The baths and sink well purify powders, such as Pimolux or Sort, especially with soda effect. By the way, look under the sink, perhaps, on the bottom side, there are also sublifting and contamination. The mirror and glass shelves can be rinsed with clean water or alcohol, and then dry the circular movements with a crumpled newspaper, believe me, the effect will be even better than from the Mr. Muscul glazing detergent. Numerous tubes, jars with creams and shampoos better remove into the locker. If you are waiting for the guests, wash your soap from the kneadings, and change the soap to the new one.

Return to the toilet, the brush thoroughly rinse inside it, a damp cloth moistened in a disinfectant solution, treat the surface of the toilet bowl, stoolcase and tooling toilet bowl. Do not forget to wash it periodically and the rash itself and the stand under it, the extra bacteria you can do anything.

Take the time of the washing machine: Exterior sides wipe from dust, remove the powder container, thoroughly rinse it under a jet of water, open the door, remove the corrugated gum: the dirt and garbage accumulate, take it, remove everything and rinse with a cloth or sponge.

Start cleaning in rooms. Spread scattered things into place. Get the sofas, chairs and beds. Sleep the floors. Wipe dust.

Pay attention to the windowsill. Flowers can be transferred to the bath, there is good to pour, spray. The liberated window sills themselves wipe against dust and land. When water stalks and is absorbed by the roots of colors, return them to your previous place.

Raise chairs and other interfering items, turn the mats and palaces to wash the floors. Remember that the most dirt accumulates at plinths and under the battery.

If enough things have accumulated, which you can erase together, post them.

There are a lot of points, but if they are performed daily to maintain cleanliness in the house, you can't take a lot of time cleaning. If you have free time and strength, spend the general cleaning plates or refrigeratorObserve the shelves in the cabinets, intend things, wash the windows, wrapping the curtains, wipe the top of the cabinets and wash the chandeliers. All this is not needed at a time. Gradually, highlighting at least a couple of hours a week, you will handle all the troubles, without feeling over with the oversized.

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