How to get yourself to get out in the apartment

How to get yourself to get out in the apartment

Cleaning the apartment is a necessary lesson, but sometimes even the idea of \u200b\u200bthe obligation to pick up the vacuum cleaner and the mop is able to instill despite and the desire to push this moment as far as possible. Of course, without purity, comfort and comfort in the house are impossible, but the cleaning procedure itself seems long and tiring.

Tune in to the result to force yourself to get out in the apartment

To force yourself to get down to business with a good mood, put things in order and save it for a longer time you can use several simple tips:

  • Buy in advance everything you need - sponges, rags, mop, suitable detergents. This will significantly improve the quality and speed of cleaning.
  • It is best to choose a certain day of the week for a general cleaning of the apartment. The perfect option would be Friday, and if you are too tired in a week, take on a Saturday morning for this process. Then you will spend the rest of the weekend in a clean and cozy apartment.
  • Do not try to find excuses and postpone "for later." Dress in comfortable clothes, turn off the TV and the computer so as not to be distracted - instead turn on the moving music.
  • It would be wrong to assume that maintaining order in a home is only a female duty. Connect family members, giving everyone a certain task by strength and age. You will cope with assistants much faster and will not feel offended.
  • Try to wash the dishes immediately after eating, clean all things into place, seasonal clothes and shoes to pack and place in cabinets.

As you know, a good incentive to start cleaning is the arrival of guests. If your house is open to friends and relatives, you will try to keep it always cleaned.

Use the Fly Living system to get out in the apartment

For working women who often do not have enough time for thorough cleaning, the principles of the Fly-Rage system are perfect:

  • Get rid of all unnecessary trash at once, without waiting for him to fill the space of rooms, cabinets and drawers of tables. If you are sorry to throw any object into the garbage bucket-give it to the one who will need it. The philosophy of this system is laid down in ejecting unnecessary things - the more useless garbage surrounds us, the more chaos reigns in our head and thoughts.
  • Do not try to remove everything and everywhere at once - divide the apartment into 4 equal "zones". Each zone needs to be engaged for exactly a week. Draw pollution removal every day for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Determine “hot spots” - places of accumulation of dirt or a large number of things. 5 minutes a day will be enough to gradually bring shining cleanliness and order there.
  • Every day, perform some actions that do not take much time. For example, in the morning - cover the bed, throw out the garbage, in the evening - wash all the dishes, a stove and a sink.
  • Cleaning the kitchen takes quite a lot of time, so pay attention to the methods of storing dishes, bulk products and small jars. Having streamlined objects in kitchen cabinets, you will save time on finding the necessary and restoring order on the shelves.
  • Systematize things wherever possible. Get special boxes for small things - toilet supplies, cosmetics, linen, disks, stationery. Give an example to the children and buy beautiful boxes for the children's room - then the toys will not wallow in disorder.

Do not forget that, living according to the Fly Living system, you do not bother yourself with boring cleaning and housekeeping, but simply fly, transforming the space around you.

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