Where are the bugs in the apartment

Where are the bugs in the apartment

There are several sources from where bugs can appear and settle the apartment. Consider them, because with the rapid discovery of bedlops, the chance of lime parasites from the dwelling is increased for a long time and not to give them to break.

Where bugs appear from

  • Clothes, shoes. It is in the folds of clothes or in shoes it is possible to bring bugs from infected places.
  • Animals. On wool Pets, parasites can calmly move in your home.
  • Neighbors. Clebops calmly may appear in your apartment by turning from the neighbors through the slots, cracks in the wall, ventilation, spitting on the floor.
  • Travel bags, suitcases. Being on a business trip, you can leave bedbugs from the hotel, a private house, hostel, if the unsanitary situation reigned there.
  • Furniture. Buying furniture with an antique store or used, also increases the risk of enhancing these parasites in their apartment.

How to discover bugs

Klopov detect is not difficult, they leave bright manifestations of their stay in the apartment.

  • In the morning Bed linen in blood stains.
  • You sleep badly at night, you have the whole body.
  • Red spots appear on the skin, similar to mosquito bites.
  • Black dots on wallpaper and furniture suggest that parasites appeared in your dwelling.

It is very difficult to bring bugs themselves, one laying may contain more than 60 eggs and the reproduction of them is very quickly. It is desirable when the parasites is found to cause disinfection service.

Kophop 2.

How can I try to bring bugs yourself

If there is no possibility to cause disinfection service, you can try to detect them yourself and destroy.

Their favorite habitat is a bed, first remove the bed linen, inspect the mattress. The old mattress is better to immediately throw away if it is new, then carefully inspect the place of the seams, possible holes through which they are hiding. Most of all, they love to hide in places of bed fasteners, joint and springs of the mattress. Also their habitat can be plated sofas, sockets, wallpaper, plinth, clothes, curtains, bathroom. They usually hide in dark places. In the wool of domestic animals, they will definitely be able to find a secluded place for their stay. The masonry of eggs are very small and there will be a magnifying glass for their discovery.

Chemical and folk remedies from bedbugs

Folk remedies

  • Acetic essence - its smell scares the bedbugs, besides, there will be no trace of processing on the places of lubrication and does not exist and the surface of the furniture will not be spoiled.
  • Safe method - evaporation. For this purpose, all places of possible accumulation of parasites are treated with boiling water.
  • Valerian - her tincture handle the surface where the bugs are hiding, and they begin to crawl. Against the masonry of eggs this method is powerless.
  • The most old remedy for bugs is a solution of boiling water, kerosene and turpentor. All surfaces are processed by this mixture, you can pour into the slit. At 150 ml of water, 20 ml of kerosene and 15 ml of turpentine are added.
  • It is possible for disinfection to treat the surfaces of hydrogen peroxide, salty water or alcohol.
  • The grass is worried about the parasites well.

Chemical methods of combating clusters

Folk remedies help if the bugs started relatively recently. If folk remedies do not help, try chemicals to lime parasites.

  • Chlorofos is a strong poison, but does not kill the masonry of eggs, processing is carried out once every 3 months.
  • Microphos - does not smell, safely when applied.
  • Carbofos - with a sharp odor and a wide range of action.
  • Pyrethrum - powder, they fall asleep all possible gaps.
  • Tetrix is \u200b\u200bthe most effective tool, with an unpleasant odor.
  • Combat - Korean drug at a low price.
  • Palace is an effective tool, completely safe for people and animals.

How can you protect against the appearance of bugs

Prevention measures include such actions as:

  • Disinfection of rooms is still at the construction stage, for this not yet trimmed walls are treated with a chemical solution for scaring them.
  • Regular cleaning of premises with a vacuum cleaner, a frequent bed linen change, a frequent inspection of upholstered furniture and carpets.
  • Inspection of your things, clothes after returning from trips.

Protective from bedbugs is easier than to deal with them.

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