How to get rid of bed bugs

How to get rid of bed bugs

Still in old apartments you can find bed or household bedbugs. And then, and the other name is true, but more correctly call them all the same bed. After all, the bugs feed on human blood and their "black" business do at night when people sleep. And they live near resting places: in bed, sofa, in the creams of bedrooms, in sockets and under the bedroom plinths.

If you in the morning found red dots on your body, and on the sheets - traces of blood, then the bugs settled in your bedroom. Often people immediately panic and begin to destroy the mattresses and pillows. But first of all, you need one hundred percent to make sure that you annoy bugs. Very often, mosquito bites are taken for clouds, which are also bleeding and leave characteristic traces on the body and bed.

Someone buses

Remove bed linen from bed and remove the mattress. Carefully inspect all the joints of the bed details. If it is really bugs, then you will see them with a naked eye. If you have not seen in the insects themselves, nor their larvae in bed and in any other secluded bedroom places, then do not think that they are not. Perhaps they have not had time to break it hard and hide so that you did not find them.

Then proceed as follows. Ship the bed with white bedding and make a alarm clock for 1 or 2 hours in the morning. At night, turn on the light sharply, and if the lonely individuals still went to the fishery, you will see them on the white bed.

Destroy bed bugs will succeed only if you start with them fight global, Ie not only in bed, but in the whole bedroom. All the furniture and the room need to handle chemicals by bugs and bed linen perestirat in the washing machine in the mode of "boiling". If the pillow on which you sleep, the small size and can fit into the washing machine, it is recommended to wash them, too. There is often a problem that the filler can not stand too hot, then it is better to buy new pillows.


If the mattress on which you sleep, you are very expensive, it can try to process chemicals by bugs. It is better to entrust the professional firms that are engaged in their destruction. But keep in mind that a mattress will be a long time to keep the smell klopinoy poison and a few days will have to endure in the air for ventilation. You can still buy a new one?

Just as with a mattress, you need to do with a sofa and armchairs. If you can not change the upholstery, then after it had been destroyed nurseries bloodsucking, you can invite to your home professionals from other firms. "Dry at home" clean out all the upholstered furniture and mattresses, and the smell of the pungent smell of poison for the bugs and leaves.

Dry cleaning

Nasty blood-sucking, bed bugs can significantly spoil the life of the inhabitants of the running of the apartment. To avoid this, keep the apartment clean. Also, seal the cracks and repair all kinds of old furniture that bedbugs had no opportunity next time to find a secluded place to stay.

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