How to get rid of moths in the cereal

How to get rid of moths in the cereal

Many maidy hostesses have come across such pests of household products (croup, dried fruit, potatoes, bread, etc.), as an ordinary mol. It lays the larvae in a suitable nutrient medium, then caterpillars and butterflies appear - reserves become unsuitable at any stage of its livelihoods. What to do and how to deal with the pest?

Of all the foods that can affect mole, it is advisable to save only cereals, and that if less than 20% of the mass of the product is contaminated. The pest is destroyed by the impact of low and high temperatures: less + 10 ° C for a couple of days or above + 60 ° C for several hours. Simply put, the croup should be kept in the refrigerator or oven.

Also close to study all its reserves and get rid of dubious products. We can use cleaning in all kitchen cabinets, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places - corners and slots. All the found pests need to be destroyed.

Special tools to combat mole should be used cautiously: most of them contain harmful chemicals that should not touch food. This is especially true of naphthalene! However, there is a way out - these are capsules, pills and sections from the pest that contain lavender. You can even do the whole eco-friendly means of aromatic oil and dried inflorescences of this frightening moth flower. More hard tools, if desired, it is worth placing on the roofs of kitchen cabinets and other surfaces that do not come into contact with the croups.

Help in prevention and small household tricks, for example: the use of cans with a dense lid, the lack of long-term cereal reserves, buying a product of a proven brand. Thanks to such trifles, the insect will be very hard to appear in the kitchen, because access to the nutrient medium is cut off for it.

Food mole - nasty and cunning kitchen pest. It is omnivorous, quickly multiplies and easily spreads to secluded corners. Therefore, its appearance is easier to prevent than then fight her.

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