Aweller beetle, a gridder, a firing beetle - all this names of the same harmful insect belonging to the detachment of severe. Their feature is that they live almost in all parts of the world. Not adult individuals are caused by wooden products, but the larvae, whose development period is 3-5 years. During this time, each of them makes about 40 km of moves. A adult female for two weeks of life laying from 300 to 600 testicles. On time, you do not accept measures - risk of staying not only without furniture, but also without housing, if the house is completely wooden. The methods of combating beetles can be divided into chemical and biological.
Solutions of fluoride or sodium silver sodium solutions are operatively. This method works if wooden furniture is affected. In the water bucket, stir 200-250 g of powder and this liquid process the entire surface.
Treat wood outside by working out, tar, a mixture based on green soap, naphthalene or turpentor. Cons - unpleasant odor, appearance and small efficiency.
There is also a theory that the larvae of the cochors' beetles die from excessive shock. Take a wooden hammer and thoroughly catching all the wooden items in the house.
Fumigation is used if the vertices have long lived in the tree and drilled long and deep moves. Here, ordinary surface treatment can not do. The essence of the method is that all the premises you need to deliver with special substances in the form of an aerosol or smoke. Pre-put all the foods, output people and animals, close all windows, doors, small gaps. The operation may take from several days to two weeks depending on the selected drug and temperature mode. After that, the room is carried out and carry out wet cleaning with soda calcined in a ratio of 100 g per 10 liters of water. To prevent the appearance of pests in the future, draw the antiseptic processing of all wooden products.
The elimination of parasites with ultrahigh frequency radiation can be attributed to gentle. Such work is able to only specialists who have the necessary equipment. The principle of its work is similar to the operation of the microwave: the wood is warming up, and the larvae die inside it.
Getting rid of the treasures on their own forces can take quite a long time depending on the perimeter of their reproduction. Buy in the store cannons with a drug to combat chitin insects. This is a "trim", "Prima" spray, Sezheng antiseptics or Lignofix I-Profi. In the insects thrown by insects with a syringe or otherwise enter the drug inside, and the holes will be sealant or ordinary wax. To process deeper, in inconspicuous places with a thin drill to have small holes every 5-10 cm. Leave the housing for a few days.
The most important advice is not waiting for the bugs to spoil the tree. Immediately after purchased, process the material with antiseptics and forget about the pests, mold and fungi forever.