How to get rid of the colorado beetle

How to get rid of the colorado beetle

Folk remedies often apply to the destruction of Colorado beetles. To use vegetable substances scaring or toxic for insect, it is enough to know the ingredients and methods of cooking poison.

War with Colorado Bucket Start back from autumn. Collect the walnut leaves from the ground and keep the potatoes in a dry place before the formation of potatoes. Three weeks before the expected appearance of the larvae of the beetles, soak the leaves in water (2-3 kg per 10 liters of water) for two days and strain the mixture. Sprinkle the bushes with liquid - the number of insects will decrease by 80%.

In the spring, during the planting of potatoes, add a pinch of ashes from the burnt firewood in the well with a seedler, and after the burying also let the soil over the moon of the burnt mass. Slow do not throw away, leave before the formation of bushes. Pour a two-liter ash jar in 10 liters of water, add a bit of economic soap and stir. Instruct the mixture with water in the ratio of 1:10 and process a plot with potatoes before the appearance of larvae.

The colorad beetle does not like the smell of spoiled onions. In the well, put a little onion husk, after a while, waste will ruin, their smell will scare the pests. Get a good result if you add a pinch of coniferous sawdust or crushed bark of coniferous trees in the well.

Before the appearance of the first sprouts of potatoes, dug the holes in the garden and put half-liters with potato pieces for 10-12 hours. Destroy the bait of the beetles.

In the summer, the tinctures of various plants are used to combat pests. Treatment tincture is performed in calm weather at a temperature of 18-22 degrees. It is recommended to spray at night or in the morning when Rosa comes down. Do not splash potatoes during the day, because Sunlight reduces the insection qualities of vegetable preparations. Spraying repeat after 5-10 days. The last procedure is 20 days before harvesting.

Mixtures make a couple of hours before the event. Add a little soap or gel to the tinctures so that the poison is delayed on the leaves. Pour the remnants of the drugs away from the garden and scarce.

Popular vegetable preparations made in the following recipes:

  • Fill half the top of the top-leaves with water and boil 15 minutes. Fill the bucket with water and insist 3-4 days. Perfect the drug and process potatoes.
  • Tobacco roots along with leaves (500 g) pour with water (10 l) and insist 2-3 days. Implementing the solution, add a soap solution and proceed to spraying.
  • Fill out 1/3 of a large bucket with leopa leaves chopped into small parts. Fill all with water and leave for 2-3 days, strain and use on purpose.

Very effective drug, called the "Colorado Bud". Fill the Lithuanian Bank with large colorated beetles. Pour the contents of the jar into a 20-liter container with water and close the lid. Beetles will die and will swim on the surface for some time, then devastated to the bottom. After the last drowned beetle, wait a week - a poison for treating potatoes is ready.

The solution can not be used in pure form, you can burn potatoes. Type the liquid into three small containers and dilute in proportions 1: 1, 1: 2, 1.3. Sprinkle three bushes content of different cans and watch the reaction. Determine which concentration suits you and use.

After cleaning the potatoes, make a nitrogen fertilizer (ammonium water) to the area, which will lead to the destruction of 80-100% beetles gathered to winter.

The pest quickly gets used to the poison and does not respond to it. Therefore, annually change the drugs to get more effect.

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hBQ gtnhjdbx 03/27/2016 at 23:33

What to scare the beetle better to destroy it.
Reliable remedy for colorado beetles fragrant tobacco. The beetle prefers him to all the rest of the plants, eats and moves (poisonous to him fragrant tobacco). If there is a fragrant tobacco to sow in March, then by the time of the flight of the beetle plants will raise the power and devour their beetle can no longer be able for any numerous. Put the scented tobacco on the edges of potato landings and you will forget what the Colorado fake looks like. The complexity of this method is below any other.

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