How to deal with the May beetle

How to deal with the May beetle

May beetles and their larvae are the most terrible attack for gardeners. Get rid of them difficult, but quite possible.

If in the spring on your site, the red beetles are started to fly, this is a sign that the larvae of May beetles settled in the garden. It is they who divert the roots of the plants, and the latter die safely. In order not to lose the entire harvest, it is necessary to destroy the beetles that lay the larvae, and the larvae themselves.

Beetles make great harm to plants by the fact that they eat the youngest leaves on the bushes and trees, without giving plants to develop. With them you need to actively fight so that they do not grow further and do not multiply. In all garden shops are now sold special "jukolovka", which can be twisted on trees in the garden.


It is necessary to attract Skvortsov in his garden - they will gladly eat the May beetles. For birds it is necessary to build two or three birdhouses and strengthen them at the end of the house and on the trunks of the trees.


If some faded bushes were already seen in the beds, especially strawberries, it means that the larvae of the beetles are commissioned in the ground. In common, they are called Khrushchi and are destroyed by the special preparation "Antichruption".


If you have inspired guests on the plot, there are deeply in the fall all future beds can be very strong to water to the state of the puddle. The larvae, pending larvae, from the convergence will definitely die. In the spring peopling of the garden, release chickens into it. They will find and eaten even the smallest, not yet developed larvae.


So that May beetles do not destroy your future harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries, we will destroy them with you.

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