From all famous carrot pests, carrot fly is the most dangerous and main. This insect harms a plant throughout the entire period of its growth. The fly puts the larvae, which affect the rooteplood, making it unsuitable for use. In our article, we tell you how to deal with carrot fly.
The main negative effect on the roots of the insect larvae. From eggs that postpone the female, there are round voracious belligent pale yellow individuals, up to 5 mm. The larva is striking the young stalks of the plant, penetrates the root, burglaring into it and spending numerous moves that significantly spoil its quality. The grown larvae is chosen from the root of the plant and continue the next stage of their development - they are pumped in the ground and go through a short time the second generation of flies. In this way, the carrot pest affects the yield of carrots, the entire garden period. Based on the fact that almost the entire life cycle of carrot flies passes underground, it is necessary to conclusion that it is necessary to fight first of all with it not by nadhemikats, but by scaring adult insects, preventive measures and agrotechnical methods. Take into "weapons" such ways to prevent:- In order for your vegetables to be resistant to pests, choose cultures less susceptible to carrot flies ("Hybrid Calgary", "Perfection" and "Vitamin No. 5").
- Before sowing, handle the seeds by biopreparations (Triphodermin, azotophyte).
- Prefer the roots of non-medium and short varieties, but long.
- Use the covering barrier (any transparent material) to block the possibility of female flies on crops.
- In the autumn, after harvesting the crop of roots, make deep steps.
- For 3-4 years, try not to land carrots on the places where she has already grew. This is due to the life cycle of malicious flies.
- Place a garden with umbrellas (carrots, parsley, celery) in places well ventilated (in order to avoid moisture stagnation), solar (for deep heating of soil).
- In time, reload the plantations (leaving 3-5 cm between roots), remove damaged plants (they differ from the healthy yellow or brown color of the tops), well loose the soil.
- If you do not make it difficult for the process of subsequent care of the beds, plan the onions, garlic or velitans in aisle with carrots.
- Observe moderate watering. Carrot fly and her larvae love increased humidity.
- Carrot fly adores the smell of carrot tops, but does not endure the aroma of tomatoes, chamomile, burdock and yarrow. Before the process of thinning carrots shoots, treat them infused for two days with a solution (2 kg of preparations of harvested plants pour 5 liters of boiling water), in which, add 15-20 ml of liquid soap on the eve of spraying.
- We have a similar effect and the infusion of onion or garlic husk (300 g of the product will fill 2 liters of hot water, insist during the day). In front of the processing, divert a liquid to 10 liters and add 15-30 ml of liquid soap.
- Use spraying and watering the beds with carrots with the insistency of the wormwood (300 g of wormwood in 10 liters of water, divide the decoction into 3 parts, each part is brought to 8 l by liquid). This method will help to almost completely get rid of the invasion of harmful insects.
- It is not bad to disperse a mixture of wood ash and tobacco dust (approximately 10 g per square meter) or a mixture of sand and naphthalene (10: 1) at the time of flowering apple trees. This will significantly scare carrot flies during the masonry of eggs.
- Mulch beds with plane branches, sawdust or peat.
If the numerous arsenal of folk recipes against carrot flies did not have the necessary action on the pest, in any horticultural store you can always purchase the chemical preparation necessary for this. Try to apply poisons only in case of extreme need.