Cherry fly - how to deal

Cherry fly - how to deal

To fully prevent the damage to the fruit of the cherry flies is very difficult, but you can reduce the harm from insects. To do this, perform preventive work in the garden, allowing to significantly reduce the amount of pest.

Early spring deeply reap the area under the cherry crown and select manually pupae cherry flies. The pupae is winter at a depth of 5-7 cm, they are 4-5 mm, bright yellow. In this case, the chickens help. Make soil insecticides - "Sloba", "Medved-Tox", "Prestige".

Repeat the soil processing throughout the spring-summer period. In this way, you can prevent the emergence of new pupance of the pest.

During the mass departure, flies should spray chemicals of the soil, from where they fly away. To do this, toxins are suitable for the destruction of flying insects - "karate", "Spark", "Aktar". The time of the expected appearance of insects determine the beginning of the flowering of acacia. Wipe on the branches of trees tape traps of yellow color with adhesive makeup. The appearance of more than 20 flies on traps means the beginning of the next phase of the pest control.

Finished traps are sold in stores, but it is easy to make them alone. To do this, you will need a bright yellow cardboard and glue Alt, used on casual belts. Apply glue to cardboard - and the trap is ready.

Trap for flies

You can make a cage trap. To do this, make a bottomless box with a length of 1 m and a width of 17-20 cm. The upper part cover the gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Trap set under the tree outdoor to the ground. Spray the cherries of middle and late varieties by Pyrethrum, Anabazin-Sulfat. The event is carried out when the Earth has already warmed up, and the air is heated to +18 degrees. The insects that appear will accumulate under the marley traps.

Through 13-15 days, spray the tree again, but no later than two weeks before harvesting. When processing, each time use new poisons so that insects are not getting used to them. Fruits after Yadohirikatov can not be used for 20 days, so the crishes of early varieties are prohibited.

Instead of keroemicals, you can use folk remedies. Cherry fly does not like tobacco smell. Pour 300-400 g dry tobacco in 10 liters of boiling water and leave for a day. Water boil another hour, strain and cool. The tincture is diverted with water in the ratio of 1: 2 and use for the destination.

When the cherry blossoms, pour a sweet drink in small containers (kvass, honey water) and hang to the branches. The middle size tree is enough four jars with liquid. The drink will begin to wander, flies fly on the smell. Periodically remove insects from the tank and pour a new solution.

When harvesting, do not leave the berries on the tree, remove the entire Padalitsa from the ground and scream into the ground to the half-meter depth. This will prevent larvae getting into the soil where they are puzzled. Make the birdhouses and hang them near the garden, flies - the favorite food of the flashes and the cinemas.

Destroy the cherry tool on the tree, it highlights a sweet liquid that attracts cherry flies. The TLA does not like marks and velvets, they can be planted under the tree. To scare off, sprinkle the crown of wood decoction wormwood, tobacco leaves. Add a soap solution to the decoction to help secure the solution on the leaves. In addition, soap creates a film on the leaves, which overlaps the access of oxygen to the Tel. Will will not - the number of cherry flies will decrease.

The benefits of preventive measures will be more if you will be supported by neighbors in the garden area. Otherwise, new from the nearest giving will arrive at the place of destroyed insects.

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