Apple fruit, how to deal

Apple fruit, how to deal

Apple fruit is one of the most common garden pests. It is most often striking an apple tree, but in lack of town a year can also dwell on pears, plums, apricots, peaches. The fruit-affected fruits are not only losing their commodity look, but also creep, not yet dosing. She also spreads viruses and bacteria, thereby contributing to the development of various diseases of the garden trees.

Wintering fruit in the crust, fruits and upper soil layer in the state of the pupa. As soon as the apple trees begin to bloom, the first butterflies fly out, which, after 7-10 days begin to lay eggs. After 4-10 days, caterpillars appear. It is at the stage of the larvae of the fruit is most vulnerable. But this period lasts only a couple of hours, and then the caterpillar hides in the fruits. If the damaged apple falls, the fruit leaves it for 1-2 days and returns again to the tree on the trunk. Butterfly goes on 1.5-2 months, and all the time they postpone new eggs.

As you can see, the period of the greatest pest vulnerability is very short, and it is quite difficult to determine the exact time. That is why one of the most effective methods of combating apple-leaving fruit - prevention:

  • Read the old boron from the trees to remove the pupa. In order not to damage the trunk, do it with a wooden bar or plastic scraper.
  • Early spring or late autumn, spend deep steaming of the earth around the trees. You can also additionally treat the soil layer insecticides.
  • Collect Padalitsa daily. Those fruits that you will not use in food, delete from the site or scroll into the ground at a depth of at least 50 cm.
  • Put various blooming plants in the garden - it will attract the insect enemies of frozing.
  • You can also plant tomatoes - it is believed that their smell scares the pest.

So that the caterpillars from the earth could not get to the crown, in the strains of the apple tree, place the curiy belt. To do this, take the burlap, corrugated paper or glass gamble and fold in 2-3 layers. The resulting bandage is 15-20 cm wide position on the tree trunk at an altitude of 30-40 cm from the ground and secure the twine. For the best "catch" the upper and lower edge of the belt, beaten out. Periodically examine protective bandages and destroy the tracks. In order to increase the efficiency of animal belts, they can also be saved from time to time insecticides.

For the catch of the butterflies of apple-tree frozing in the garden, you can place the bait food traps. To fill them, you will need a pussy of kvass, apple juice, skis compote or apple spawning with the addition of yeast. Pour fluid to the jar and place it on trees growing near the apple tree.

Good result give production pheromon traps. Under the end of flowering, an apple tree drag them inside the crown from the west way so that the end parts are turned towards the main winds. It is especially important to place traps on the right height - ¾ crowns. Make sure that the leaves do not overlap the insect access to the device. One trap is enough for 2-5 apple trees.

In the case of the development of a large population of frozhorts, additionally perform the processing of the crown insecticides. Effective preparations: "Atom", "Callery", "dymetroat", "Dutiks", "Sirocco", "Tod", "Fufanon", "Spark M". Spraying is carried out during the mass appearance of caterpillars from eggs, that is, 10-15 days after the peak of the butterflies. During the procedure, it is necessary to fully cover the leaves with a solution of the drug, pay special attention to the top - this is a favorite habitat of the caterpillar of frozhors. After 2-3 weeks, the spraying should be repeated. To preserve the garden ecosystem, specialists are recommended to make repeated treatment with microbiological agents, and the chemical preparations are used only for the first time.

Conduct a complete spraying of the apple tree is often problematic, as the tree can be up to 8 m in height. That is why, for industrial cultivation of apples, it is necessary to give preference to short and dwarf varieties.

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