TLL on the apple tree how to deal

TLL on the apple tree how to deal

Despite its tenderness and small sizes, the wave can be a big misfortune in the fruit garden. At first glance, these ordinary little insects, the size of which does not exceed 5 millimeters, do not constitute a serious danger. However, they do not circle a single young leafle, they taste and first sprouts, and perennial trees, and shrubs. Several part of the tolls in just a few days can grow into a real regiment, which will suck juices from all plants that came across their way. Apple trees will not be an exception in the list of dishes for eating. Therefore, if you plan to assemble a good harvest, you need to know how to deal with tool.

Where did the Tl be on the apple

Thanks to the winged females, a bell may appear on the apple trees. In those areas where preventive work are not conducted to combat pests, they will appear a huge amount at the end of summer. The TLL is dissipated throughout the garden, besides the neighboring fruit gardens. Insects during this period are extremely prolific. The female after fertilization is laying eggs on a tree that successfully there winter. Adult insects die. In the spring, with high humidity and when the temperature mode is normalized, larvae from eggs appear. They pose a threat to the garden in this period. Young larvae for three weeks feed on the juice of gentle leaves, young shoots and kidneys. After 14 days, under favorable conditions, the larvae of Tli will grow into females that take a new generation.

Signs ofphids on an apple

  • A huge number of ants near the tree.
  • Twisted leaves on an apple tree.
  • Sticky liquid, located on the leaves.

Methods of dealing with tool on apple trees

The chemical industry offers gardeners a huge range of pesticides. Many dackets use folk remedies whose variety is not inferior to poisons. Also apply biological and physical methods of struggle. It is impossible to determine exactly which of all methods is the most effective. You need to try different options, combine them, after which you can choose what it will help to overcome the problem in your case. Do not forget, the wave is a living organism that can get used to one or another tool.

Physical means

This method of protection against twils is more often used in greenhouses. To combat TLI, it is necessary:

  • Collect pests - for this we use cotton swabs that are impregnated with soap solution.
  • Burn spoiled fruits and leaves - if this is not done, insects will move to healthy leaves.

Biological means

According to the biological method, you need to fight alive organisms. This method is considered the most time-consuming, because for animals and birds, feeding in the garden, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the garden. Frequently from the Tley on an apple tree can be clearing plants that drive it with their smell.

How to get rid of Tsi using biological methods:

  • Destroy the anthills.
  • Put the calendula, Dalmatian chamomile, garlic, lavender.
  • Construct the birdhouses - Tits, Sparrows, Imps destroy TRU.
  • Cultivate the zlato-vocabulary and ladybugs - these insects use TRU in food.


It is possible to properly resist with the help of chemistry containing the poisons that are designed to destroy insects. Although the effectiveness of this method is high, but it is not eco-friendly.

Applying chemistry, do not forget about important rules:

  • Do not handle trees during flowering, because the fruits will contain not very useful substances for the human body.
  • Use when spraying the respirator, glasses and rubber gloves.
  • Spray the trees when there is no dew, no precipitation, no wind.

Today, consumers are provided on stores to consumers to combat insects. We have listed the most effective to combat Tley:

  • Fury. This tool refers to moderately dangerous, it is based on the zeta-cypermethrin, acts within two weeks after the treatment of trees.
  • Akarin. Alertina N. N. has many positive feedback, effectively copes with a variety of pests, including TRU.
  • Nitrophen. Strong tool to use before the appearance of foliage, otherwise you will burn all the greens.

Folk remedies

  • Infusion of garlic. Grind us with a press 5-6 cloves of garlic, soak them in 100 ml of water. A day later, add a teaspoon of soap and 2 tsp. vegetable oil. The mixture is in 500 ml. Water, break into a bottle of sprayer. Process the affected areas.
  • Tobacco infusion. Grind 500 gr. Tobacco, fill with 10 liters of warm water, insist in a warm place for 3 days. Perfoliate infusion, spread with 10 liters of water. Sutitate a piece of household soap, take the 40 g. Soapy chips, pour into the resulting solution, mix thoroughly until complete dissolution.

The methods proposed by us will surely help get rid of Tsley in the Fruit Garden. TLL - a serious and evil pest, it is necessary to fight her. We hope you will succeed.

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