When spraying an apple tree from pests

When spraying an apple tree from pests

Experienced gardeners know what time and what drugs to spray the apple trees, so that the harvest of beautiful and fragrant fruits is maximal. Newbies often do not give the importance to the treatment of fruit trees, and then they are surprised that the apples grow outwardly non-zeepy, and even worms. In our article, we will tell in detail what time and from what diseases it is necessary to spray trees.

Various preparations serve to prevent certain diseases and pests on the apple trees. Chemicals protect trees from serious diseases such as black cancer, cytospose, anthracnose, pasta, spotty, mildew, fruit rot. There are also funds that are struggling with unexpected living guests: blooms, mites, weevils, wave, leaflerting, median and fruit mole. Each particular disease must be prevented in advance, as how to deal with future pests. At the same time, the timing of trees should be different.

Before the blooming of the kidneys (March month), spray the apple tree with a burglar mixture or copper vitrios. This processing you protect your garden from the paste and spot. If there are black drips and influx on branches, then this is a sign of the Grozny Disease "Cancer". Such branches are required spiliteAnd if the hearth is on the trunk, then read it to healthy wood. Next, cut slices. Treat 3% copper sulfate solution and squeeze the garden water. A few days later, in the green cone phase (the very beginning of the dissolution of the kidneys), spray the apple tree decides or a kinmax. These insecticides will help to cope with apple color.

The second step of spraying must be carried out after the blooming of the kidneys, but before the flowering of trees or immediately after flowering (May month). The same Kinmaks, Decis or Inta-CM will save the apple tree from the invasion of smallers, moths, leaflerting, tli and median. If there are cases of diseases of trees and shrubs with mildew, then treat the apple tree with one of the drugs: Sorrow, colloid sulfur or teesite jet. These funds use during the growth of new shoots.

The third stage of the struggle against pests start during the growth of fruits (June). If in March you did not proceed the trees from the paste, then it is summer to spray the apple tree or striking. At the same time, the second spraying from pulse dew is allowed - the drugs are the same as in May.

All drugs are divorced as it is indicated by the manufacturer. During the ripening of fruits, carefully examine the apple tree. If you see damage on the trunks or branches, then remove them and just shine sadovy Vary.. At this time, the trees spray no longer - the poison can accumulate in the fruits. Rotten or blackened fruits also reach and burn together with branches in the fire.

In the fall after harvesting, the apple tree spray against fungal diseases. Use the same drugs that are described in paragraph 2. At the same time, lead the fight against rodents that can start eating a bark of trees. From the mouse-like rodents in the holes, which can be found in the garden, put special bait "Clean Home" or "Storm". If the holes were not found, and the rodents appear in the garden, then spread the poison under the trees and take the shelter from the rain from the remedies.

Mouse Polevka

Copper vigorous or burgundy with a mixture of an apple tree for prevention spray every year. But insecticides are not keen on - spend processing only if the trees have been exposed to the invasion of harmful insects. Consider the preparations for breeding drugs with water - do not exceed the concentration of the final solution. She, besides the destruction of caterpillars and leaflerting, probably hurt and useful insects that are in every garden.

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