How to cut a pear in the spring

How to cut a pear in the spring

To enjoy a ripe, juicy and sweet pear in the summer, it is necessary to properly care for her. For rapid growth of the tree and the annual crop of pears, it is necessary to start trimming the branches of early spring. Pruning pears is produced during the rest of the tree, when there are no flower and swollen kidneys.

Pruning is starting with the thinning of the crown of the tree to provide good access of light and air. All shoots are removed that depart from the trunk at an acute angle to prevent the splitting of the branches of the tree.

All shoots growing parallel to the trunk are removed. Tone deletion and non-pronomous shoots, they only take the strength at the tree.

A central trunk is shortened, about a quarter. This allows you to form a cup-shaped tree with a large number of kidneys.

It is very important when removing the branch of any diameter does not leave hemp. Make a neat cut by a secateur or saw at the stem itself. The secret must be facing a narrower blade to the part of the branch that you intend to cut. All sections are processed by boa.

If the trimming passed correctly, then all sections of the sections will take care of the next year. The tree will grow healthy and bring a rich crop of pears.

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