How to cut dwarf apple

How to cut dwarf apple

Dwarf apple trees, pears and other trees - not at all uncommon in modern gardens and farms. They occupy much less place, but with sufficient care they give an excellent harvest. One of the important points of care is to pruning and forming the crown of a tree, which we will talk about below.

It would be a mistake to assume that dwarf apple tree is some kind of new unusual grade. Such trees are obtained by vaccinating a chosen seedling for a special clone. The latter can vary from supercall to stronger or stay somewhere in the "Golden Middle". On dwarf and semi-dwarf clones, it turns out that they are traditionally called a dwarf tree. The smallest effective copies reach 2 meters, the highest - 4. Naturally, it is more convenient to collect the harvest, spray when necessary, trimmed and assemble the false foliage along the fall. Their root system will endure the close occurrence of waters in the ground, but the full-speed instances can sick from this.

In addition to size and place, dwarf seedlings have other advantages. It is believed that they earlier begin to be fruit, every year increasing the crop. It should be noted that the dwarf and colon-shaped apple tree is not at all the same. They have a completely different branch structure. The classic dwarf tree repeats the type of branching of a conventional adult apple tree, and the colon-shaped has a straight trunk of 1-2 meters, seated with small side sprigs. On the other hand, the lifetime of a dwarf apple tree is almost 2 times less than that of the usual - about 20 years against 40-50.

The best land for landing "Dwarf" is well moisturized and fertilized loam. However, on any other soils, they will be able to take care if sufficient lighting, feeding and wind protection are provided. Depending on the lead and trimming, planting such trees at the rate of 2x3 or 3x3 meters, in the landing pits of approximately 70x70 centimeters. The place of the lead should rise above the ground by 3-5 cm. If below - the grafted variety is able to form its own root system and stops being "dwarf". With too much place vaccinations, the tree may not take care or be weakened.

Cutting an apple tree in the first year, a garden secateur, at a height from 30 cm to half a meter. Make it in early spring until the kidney is sleeping. The damaged place is smeared with garden booth. In the fall or the next year, when the barrel stops the side shoots, they are cut depending on the planned crown type. To "hat" become more, leave the shoots directed outward. The upper kidneys that awaken before all and give the continuation escape, are removed for the development of those in the middle.

Also, the tree has strong and weak shoots - they can be seen "on the eyes." Cut the crown so that the strong branches are located below others. After a couple of years, when a beautiful and compact hat was formed, sufficient for fruiting, young shoots are allowed to remove at all. This applies to the green, who have not yet corrected wood branches. They are allowed to fill with their hands, without a secateur, throughout the summer. If the top kidney has already been formed on the process, it is able to become a full-fledged branch. Think whether he can come in handy.

In addition to trimming, experienced gardeners carry out the thinning of fruits. It helps to get rid of weak strings and improve the quality of strong fruits. After flowering, when the fruits started, slightly shake the crown and separate branches. Weak flowers will fall, lifting the road with excellent crop.

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