How to cut the cherry spring

How to cut the cherry spring

It is the opinion that the Wood Plant Cherry cannot be cut - it is mistaken. It all depends on the variety of the cherry and its thickening. Proper trimming of the cherry tree will never hurt, but will contribute to good growth and a large berry crop in the future.

We estimate the state of the tree. Old wood, large size, thickened ropes, the presence of a large number of dry processes - these components indicate that the cherry is subject to rejuvenation.

Important moment in trimming cherries - to have time to swelling the kidneys. It is necessary to postpone the procedure before the next spring, if the kidnival went into growth, otherwise the cropped twig will dry to the base.

Cherry buds moved to the ends of the branches - this means that the cherry thickened. We will give a light and air into the crown, having raised the cherry tree by trimming on the "ring" dry, as well as branched extra branches begin below. Sut off at the running crown branches that interfere with walking, most often they are already dried. The green color of the sprigs during the oblique cut and the presence of kidneys testify to the live process. Cut off the branches directed inside the crowns, they interfere with the normal growth of the rest. We try not to leave long penets, which then dried.

We will rejuvenate the cherry and with weak gains, so as not to give it to the twig. 20 cm increases - can be rejuvenated. Also doinched and short gains from the twigs. Cut the twig entirely to the main branching.

An ancient cherry tree with a cracked bark, crouched by moss, half dried and having a large amount of fruits, but with a good young piglery down - we will cut completely to hemp. At the same time, mother properties will continue, and on the site of the old barrel from the existing roar row, the young church will grow, followed by which it will be easier to care for.

Care of trees by rejuvenating trimming is the necessary moment for all fruit-berry trees, for cherries including. Having cut into one stage running the crown, the main thing is not to overdo it with the rays. Also too bald tree will not withstand winter frosts.

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