How to cut a cherry

How to cut a cherry

The cherry is different from ordinary cherries with gentle taste and high sugar, and the berries are larger and ripen faster. The cherry is grown mainly in the south of Russia, but frost-resistant varieties can be found in the cold regions. Fruiting and the amount of crop depends on the correct and timely trimming.

The very first cutting of sweet cherries is carried out in the spring, after landing. The single-air should be tamed to a height of 90-100 cm if the seedlock has achieved greater height. For the formation of the crown in the lower yarus, there are 4 skeletal branches, in the second and third tier 2 branches. Between the tiers, we leave a distance of 70 cm.

The subsequent trimming will depend on the development of a seedling. At the branched sweet cherry, the lower branch is shortening by 50 cm. The shoots located above are shortened at the same level with the lower, and the central is 10 cm above.

When the branch is shortened, the slice is sent to the periphery of the crown and spend on an external kidney, and to shorten the central shoots - to the inner.

Further trimming is carried out in summer. Saplings in the zone of the Stam are removed all the leaves. For poorly developed cherries, you can leave several kidneys.

To deter intensive growth of shoots every year, it will be necessary to carry out the forming trimming. It is necessary to conduct an operation in early spring until the kidney swolley. Annual shoots are cut into 1/5 length, but it is also impossible to shorten too much. Especially in young trees, as this can lead to a decrease in yield.

Until the five-year-old age, the cherry does not need thinning. But more adult bushes need to remove internal branching, dry, sore branches. The location of the cut in all cases is cleaned and processed by a garden maletper.

To create a young crown, the cherry is subjected in spring in dry weather with rejuvenating trim, which is to remove 7-8 summer wood. Such large sections need to be fired with a knife and smear the booth.

Do not forget to shorten the upper branches every year to restrain the rising of the tree. This will make it possible to create a cherry and get a great harvest of delicious berries.


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