How to instill cherry

How to instill cherry

Cherry is a fleshy, fragrant berry, distinguished by excellent taste. She has only one minus - the sweets of the nemorosor-resistant. And since most of Russia is in the zone of risky agriculture, then not all dacms are far from the cherry in their sites. You can strengthen the frost resistance of cherries by vaccinating it to another tree, more resistant to minus temperatures.

Cuttings for vaccination are prepared late autumn and early winter. Using shoots with a length of 35-40 cm, store all winter in the basement, wrapped rag and laid in a layer of wet sawdust or sand. If winter was warm and young shoots did not die, then you can make a cutting and spring, wrap them with a wet cloth, then film and store before vaccination in the refrigerator.


As a flow, a wild cherry, a bush cherry, a frost-resistant wild cherry is used. You can try to instill a sinner on the bone - plum or apricot. The thickness of the flow should be at least 7-10 mm.


You need to vaccinate a sneaker early in the morning, it is best to fog or high humidity - this is important, since the bare fabrics are very quickly oxidized. In general, the entire procedure for this reason must be carried out quickly and clearly. It is also necessary to have a vaccination knife, depoted to the sharpness of the razor.


In addition to the vaccine knife, you will need: a narrow strip of the film - you can use the isolent, garden var or plasticine, plastic bag. Prepare it all in advance so as not to lose the precious time in search of the necessary.

At an altitude of 20 cm from the ground, make an incision on the cherry in the form of a tongue with a depth of 1 cm. Make exactly the same incision on a cherry cutter and connect the tongues so that one tightly entered the other. Make everything very carefully and quickly. The edges of the sections are treated with the water and wrap the film. If you use the isolate, then turn up the edge with glue so that it does not touch the trunk.


Top to wrap the place of vaccinations with a plastic bag. Remove it when you realize that the vaccination has passed successfully and young leaflets appeared on Cherhevnev. To speed up the development of the graft cutlery and in general, the tree as a whole, delete all shoots below the vaccination, thus stimulating the growth of the grafted cherry.


The vaccination of trees is a painstaking case, but bringing pleasant fruits. In case the vaccination is successfully attached, you can taste cherries from your own garden and do not worry about the fact that in winter the tree will freeze.

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