How to instill Alychu on the plum

How to instill Alychu on the plum

Many people think that Alycha is an exceptionally southern plant. After all, it is most widely known in the Caucasian cuisine. Indeed, it is. However, breeders do not get tired to work on the removal of new varieties, and now it is possible to grow it in more northern latitudes. In addition, the vaccination of Alychi on the plum tree makes the plant more frost-resistant.

First of all, it should be very carefully approaching the choice of seedlings. It is worth choosing plants grown in your latitudes. The trees that have grown in the southern climate will not be able to survive with winter frost. Alycha is not self-pollized plant, so it is recommended to vaculate several varieties of Alychi to obtain a result for one tree of plums. In addition, it will make the plant even more decorative, as well as will prolong the harvest time (if you choose a variety with different fertility timing). Well, of course, it saves the place in the garden substantially.

The vaccination is carried out in the spring, approximately in March, before the kidneys were blown and on the plum, and on the seed cuttings of Alychi. Remember that the bone plants are preferably vaccinated on young trees by age up to 5 years. Time for vaccination is better to choose the morning when air humidity is above 60%. In the evening, when the air is dry, the cut of the bone plants will quickly dry and oxidizes that it can interfere with the observing of plants. And finally, we prepare the cuttings of the platter (in this case, Alyci), choose a tree and choose a one-year-old stem (plum).

Further, the vaccine is made directly. There are many ways, but the most common, easy and reliable - this grafting in cleft. For this branch shears the stock is cut and then is performed a transverse cut garden knife to be sharpened to a razor-sharpness. After that, the stalk is split in the middle depth of 3-4 cm. Scion, from the bottom of the kidneys, made two oblique cut of the same length to get the sharpening in the form of a wedge. Be sure to make all of the cuts in one motion, avoiding the "cutting" of the plant. At the end of the graft procedure is inserted into the narrowed part of the stock splitting (the lower the kidney better deploy outside of the crown) and carefully zamatyvaetsya tape to the new branch does not fall out. Shears cut off the tip of the scion, leaving 3-4 buds. Place cut lubricate garden pitch to protect the plant from drying and infection. It is advisable to put on a new shoot from the top plastic bag to retain moisture.

About a month later, when a package will appear the first leaves, the protection is removed. Insulating tape should be removed after the graft will increase the length of 25 cm or more. New shoots on the stock removed all summer to maximize the power of the cutting of cherry plum.

First harvest is possible in a year through the use of plum tree as the skeleton of the plant. Terms of fruiting depend on the type and range from June to September.

Plums will certainly please you with its taste, as well as a variety of dishes, from which it is. For example, fruit sauce tkemali, candy, jam and many others. In addition, this beautiful flowering tree very decorative and will certainly enhance any garden.

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