How to grow straak rose

How to grow straak rose

Stambling rose - the spectacle in truth is beautiful. Small terry flowers nest nest, falling by Liana, on a high trunk - a strain. If we stock with sufficient knowledge, patience and time, then you can decorate your garden with this unusual pink bush.

Choose dive. As a plant to which the rose is leading, a wild or indulgeted rose is perfectly suited, it is resistant to frozen, parasites and diseases. A bush should have a strong root system and high flexible branches from the base.

Stambling can be found among wild rose hips or buy already ready. The rose canine is best suited for these purposes. It is necessary for a plant age of 1-3 years, it is desirable to single-barre and powerful, not possessing an abundant pig. You can also grow a rose hips for a collection of seeds themselves, this method is more reliable, albeit more durable and time consuming.

Select the lead. Theoretically, an absolutely any kind of rose can be instilled in the stamma, but that the result is compatible, the durable and beautiful is best suitable tea-hybrid, floribunda, grandiflower and plenty roses.

Rose vaccination. Stumbling dot is vaccinated at the end of summer - in July, August. The most common way of vaccinations is an equalization or eyeliner. For reliability, the stack is vaccinated in two places from different sides with a difference of 3-4 cm in height.

Two weeks you can see the result of the vaccination. The swollen green kidney and the dispassion of a sheet of sheet is a faithful sign that everything has grown well. If the eyes dried and blackened, they will have to repeat the attempt above the strain.

After a month, remove the bandage from the graft kidneys and disconnect the shoots made from them. The first buds and greens above the vaccination location also need to be removed. For the winter branches with grafted kidneys bend down and fall asleep the earth and fir branches.

By the end of the next summer, the strambered rose must be tied to the support, excluding the risk that it will break under the weight of the new crown. Also, you do not need to forget to remove wild boosters on the strain from the root neck. If everything is done correctly and on time, then in the fall you will be pleased to please the pink tree of extraordinary beauty.

Roses on the strain require painstaking work in the summer and careful guardianship in winter, but all these efforts are that your garden decorated like a landscape design pearl.

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