How to cut a colonum apple tree

How to cut a colonum apple tree

Many gardeners adore apples from their own garden. But to get a good harvest you have to work pretty, because the tree must be trimmed, fertilized and instilled. In this article we will tell how to cut a coloniforn apple tree.

Some gardeners believe that this apple variety is optional to cut, as this does not greatly affect the appearance of the tree. But experts came to the conclusion that pruning a colonum apple tree favorably affects the crop, and such a tree is sick. The benefits of trimming behavior makes it possible:

  • rejust branches;
  • remove shoots covering sunlight;
  • shape a beautiful crown;
  • increase yield.

Remember, the amount of fruits directly depends on the power of the upper kidney, so it cannot be trimmed. Pruning a colonum apple tree is carried out according to a specific scheme. In the first year after landing, the seedling will grow by 40 cm. Early spring cut the top of the tree. The next year it is impossible to touch the upper kidney, only side branches are cut off so that there are 30 cm long shoots, and on each of them there were 2 kidneys.

How to cut a colonum apple tree

The following year, before the appearance of the Software period, remove the branch curve, leaving the one that grows vertically. Third spring fully cut the thick branch, which fruits last year. Thus, you will form a column that will be froning 3-5 years. After it sells 5 years, completely cut the column, leaving the fruit ring on the stem. The next year, a new link will grow in this place, which will give the fruits. If in the middle of summer you noticed intensely growing shoots, do not remove them, and limit the pinching. Only in the spring you can completely cut extra shoots.

Many believe that the colon-shaped apple tree has no side branches, in fact it is not. They are located at an acute angle to the trunk and have a small length. These shoots can shade the light of the fruits, thereby reducing the yield. The more you cut in the spring, the more intense will go to the growth of those areas of the tree that remained. Remember, during the pruning, in no case cannot damage the central column, otherwise you will soon receive unnecessary branching. Removing the fruitful link is permissible in case of its bad growth. Then the entire trunk is cut, and only two kidneys are left.

How to cut a colonum apple tree

What if the fruit has become less? This means that it is time to cut off the fertile branch. Do this at the very reason for its growth. During the sewage, you will see new shoots and leaves. Do not cut a central kidney, remove only short side sprigs. Pruning spend early spring or after falling leaves.

How to cut a colonum apple tree

If an apple tree grows in the garden, which almost does not have lateral shoots, then the pruning may not need. When dying the upper central kidney, 2 or 3 branches are developing for the next year, it is allowed to leave only one. Leave only the fattest trunk, the rest cut at the very base. Colon's apple trees require constant feeding and pest control. Small size of the plant allow in areas with a small area to get a great harvest.

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