How to cook garden var

How to cook garden var

Garden Var serves to prevent trees diseases. Through the cracks in the cortex, in the spillation places of the branches or on the place of vaccinations in the plant there may be pathogenic organisms, and then cherry or apple tree risk perishing. So that this does not happen, all external damage on branches and the trunk need to smear the garden of the garden, which looks like a tar-like mass.

In any garden store, it is possible to buy a means for embedding wounds in various packaging, ranging from 150 grams tube and ending with kilogram buckets. Practice shows that Garden Shop Garden War is worth a decent money, so if you want to save, then it is better to do therapeutic mass on your own. People's recipes Vara There are many - now we will tell you about the most affordable.

Var based on bee wax:

  1. Prepare 1 part of fresh wipe bulk fat, 1 part of rosin and 2 parts of wax.
  2. In two separate metal tanks, melt rosin and wax.
  3. Melted wax pour into rosin, thoroughly mixing the mass.
  4. During stirring, add the third component - food fat.
  5. The resulting mass of a thin ridge pour into a pelvis with cold water. In water, Var will quickly freeze and turn into a plastic mass.
  6. Finished garden Var remove from the water with a noise and roll it into the ball.

Gardeners are so called "warm", because the ingredients are first melted to a liquid state, and then cooled.

Var cold:

  1. Follow the 1st part of the swine fat (not salted), 1 part of the shallow wood ash, 5 parts of the turpidar, 2 parts of denaturates, 10 parts of rosin.
  2. Mix denature and turpentine and put pieces of rosin into this liquid.
  3. Mix well to the complete mixing of all parts.
  4. In a thick mass, add ash and fat.
  5. Ready Var put in a jar with a wide throat.

Skipidar and denature can be bought in a construction store, and the rosin is sold on the radio market.

Garden var with a resin. If in the old barn of grandfather in the village there was a wood resin, then it will be wonderful to cook the garden from it:

  1. Take 400 g of resin and scroll it into small pieces.
  2. Fold them into a plastic container and fill 50 ml of technical alcohol.
  3. Wait until the resin is dissolved, and then with a constant stirring, pour 25 ml of linseed oil into a mass.
  4. Mix the mass until uniformity, and if it is too thick, then pour another 10-15 ml of alcohol.

Var based on a resin when frozen becomes very solid - before work with it it is necessary to stretch his hands.

If it happened that the farm did not turn out to be a garden cook, and the tree requires urgent help, then instead of a special putty, use clay-based mass:

  1. Two parts of clay are watering to the state of very thick sour cream.
  2. Add 1 part of the cowboat to it and so much finely chopped dry grass or straw so that the mass is plastic.
  3. If the putty turned dry, then add water.

Garden Wara is necessary to process branches, the diameter of which is more than two centimeters. Smaller sections can be processed by spraying a weak-pink solution of manganese. Cut branches are recommended by a sharp tool so that in the place of treatment it is not formed wood "skeners". Before processing the wound, the Wara is removed from it a small chips. If the cracks are embarrassed by cracks on the trunk of trees, the covered bark cut the sharp garden knife.

Cutting off the garden and processing wounds on the trees, you can be sure that the crop pears, apples and apricot will be excellent.

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