How to deal with mildew

How to deal with mildew

If you have noticed the signs of malieving dew on plants, then for you, as in the saying, there are two news. Good news: Disease pathogens have a supporting specialization, that is, if the gooseberry is damaged, nothing happens to the apple trees. Bad news: pests are microscopic mushrooms. And they, as you know, existed before dinosaurs, survived them and survive humanity if necessary. Therefore, do not hope to get rid of them forever, the milderous mushrooms dwell constantly in almost any soil. But still you should not fall into a panic - you can withstand the disease.

Favorable conditions for the development of malical dew are air temperature + 12-16 ° C and humidity above 80%. But it has long been noticed that even with such weather, not all plants are ill. Therefore, precisely prevention is the main measure in the fight against mildew.

Basic rules of prevention of the disease:

  1. Observe the agrotechnical requirements of the landing of concrete plant species: the distance between cultures, landing density, etc.
  2. Choose stable varieties.
  3. Prefer mixed landings. Try to avoid a monoculture landing on a large area.
  4. Take out weeds in a timely manner.
  5. The main source of soil infection. Therefore, do not allow the bottom leaves from the ground, if necessary, remove them.
  6. Organize periodic uniform watering. It is impossible to moisten the soil when the top layer is still wet. Also do not allow the soil drying, and then its excessive irrigation.
  7. Conduct timely feeding. Particularly useful for increasing the resistance of the torment, phosphoric-potassium fertilizers. But with nitric feeders need to be careful, during the greatest risk of the occurrence of the disease from them it is necessary to refuse at all.

Your actions in the event of an attack of plants with mildewa dew:

  • If possible, remove the amazed leaves and flowers.
  • Comer landing. Wrap the leaves in contact with the earth.
  • If room or greenhouse plants are sick, increase the amount of light and replace the top layer of the soil.
  • Spend watering and spraying crops using independently prepared solutions or chemicals.

Folk remedies are mainly calculated on the creation of a protective film on plants, which will prevent the new infection of the fungus. Therefore, if you decide not to use chemicals on your site, spray the cultures very carefully, especially the bottom of the sheet. It is necessary to carry out the processing at least 3 times, with an interval of 3-5 days. But if he passed heavy rain, then immediately after drying the leaves, the procedure should be repeated.

Folk recipes solutions:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of food soda and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap. Dissolve them in 8 liters of warm water. After cooling the liquid, spray the plants and the part of the soil adjacent to them.
  • Mix 1 liter of dairy serum and 10 liters of water. Use the resulting solution immediately after cooking.
  • Fill 100 grams of fresh grass horsetail in one liter of water and give a day. Then boil 2 hours on slow fire and strain. Ready broth can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. Before spraying it is divorced by water in a 1: 5 ratio.
  • Divide 1 kilogram of ash bucket of hot water and leave for 7 days. Drain the liquid, and lose the sediment. Before processing plants into the solution, add liquid soap, from the calculation of 50 grams per 10 liters of ash water. Spraying should be carried out every two days.
  • Grind 100 grams of garlic, fill with four liters of water. Give the day, and then strain. The resulting solution is not diluted and not stored.

Among the finished drugs to combat mildewing dew, copper-containing are most often used: "Copper Middle", "Oxych", "Kuroskat", "Bordeaux mixture". Other means of contact action are also used, such as Topaz, Rusurl, Ditan M-45, Tiovit Jet. There are still system-contact combined fungicides that have not only therapeutic, but also protective-prophylactic effects. These include "Fundazole", "Acrobat MC", "Vitaros", "Bayleton", "Ordan", "Preview", "Sorrow" and others.

If a mildew rape raised in your seven in the summer, then in the fall, it should be collected and destroy all damaged leaves, crop significantly injured branches. And the next spring to destroy the remaining fungny bushes and other perennials, at the stage of the appearance of the kidneys, you can briefly give boiling water. Or the second option - before the start of flowering is treated with fungicides.

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