How to deal with slugs

How to deal with slugs

Omnivorous mollusk, pollutantly destroying everything in its path, damaging the crop that polluting the environment with his excrement and mucus, absorbing pathogenic mushrooms and spreading infection to agricultural crops, carrying it on themselves (mildew, phytoofluorosis, gray rot and so on) - called slug , in common - slug. Live preferred slugs in cool, pronented, wet areas, cellars, basements. If you do not keep any fight against these nightlings, then for the season, their population grows so grows so much that it is possible to lose the entire harvest.

Slugs are very prolific, they make a large tab of the future offspring into the soil, to a depth of 8 cm, while the eggs of mollusks in such conditions are perfectly winter and can be maintained for several years, and with favorable factors begin to hatch. To reduce their numbers in the current and future seasons, the agrotechnical work on the plot is essential: do not allow weeds to occupy the free space of the soil on the plot and around it (clean it in time or mark them), thoroughly pass the beds, loosen the soil around trees and colors, Do not thicken the landings, do not accumulate on the site remote plants waste, destroy the egg masonry of pests at the spring resistance.

The easiest cheap and effective method of combating slugs is manual collecting them at night, as well as in cloudy crude or rainy weather. Prepare the container, fill it with a concentrated saline or soap solution, place it caught clams. Collect them with tweezers, in gloves, chopsticks for food or with any other means.

Use rough and scratching barriers (nut or eggshell shallow grinder, sandpaper, coarse sand, ground glass, small pebbles, wood sawdust) on the beds and around plantations. They will help to block the access of lodge to plants. The surface of such barriers will hurt the gentle body of mollusks, scaring them and forcing them to leave the place of feeding.

Ash, Iron Cupid, tobacco, pepper - Methods of combating slugs ineffective, as these materials are easily flushed with water and lose their strength. If you want to destroy an unpleasant mollusk, then act with salt, mustard, fertilizer or lime. Pour any of the means directly to the slug, wait for it when it resets the protective shell and repeat the same actions again. Make a solution from mustard (130-150 grams of powder on the water bucket) and treat them plants with slugs in the evening.

Assistants in the fight against slugs are chickens, ducks, snakes, hedgehogs, frogs, moles. Create conditions on your site, favorable for settlement on it lovers to enjoy this mollusa.

Mulch the soil with plants whose smell is not tolerated (wormwood, parsley, pyrhem, needles, horseradish, mint). You can cook tincture from any of these herbs and scare up slugs, treating it its plants (insist 1 cup of grass on 1 liter of water during the day).

Trap and organic bait will help effectively and safely cope with the pest. Capacities filled with dark beer and in-depth in the ground are very attracted by slugs. Mollusks drink beer and gradually die. After 2-3 days, check such traps and replace the bait on fresh.

Spread on the perimeter of the site old rags, boards, pellery, water packs. Such traps will ensure the accumulation of slugs under them, you will only have to gather them and destroy them.

Chemical treatment of a plot from the mucous drugs of metaldehyde (meta, thunderstorm) is carried out only in case of extreme necessity, 20 days before harvest and only on those cultures that are subjected to thermal processing. Such substances are dangerous for pets and toxic for all edible crops.

Tips for combating slugs will help you get rid of these unpleasant pests.

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