Flush drosophila, how to deal

Flush drosophila, how to deal

Fruit flies "Drosophila", although they do not bring tangible harm, but also you can not call their neighborhood. Most often, they can be observed in the house where there are spoiled fruits or in large quantities potted plants - drosophiles love to feed on the juices of these products. You can destroy them by creating an unfavorable condition for their development.

First of all, you need to find the source of food of fruit flies and eliminate it. Find it easy, by smell. Drosophyl attract fermentation products that have a specific fragrance. Removing the source, you can move to the extermination of insects.

To destroy the drosophyl in the apartment, you can resort to the help of a simple trap. It is necessary to prepare an empty bottle (plastic or glass) with a narrow neck. It should be about a quarter to fill the prepared pre-mixture. One piece of fruit juice mix with one part of the water and add some liquid soap. The fragrance of "Favorite" fruits will attract flies, but after penetrating the bottle outside, they will no longer be able to get out due to the mixture of soap.

For the second type of trap you will need a glass jar. It holds a bait in the form of fruits, juice, sweet wine. Next, from a piece of paper, you need to press the funnel and leave a small hole at the tip. In the neck of the banks put the funnel down the end. For the funnel does not turn around, it is desirable to cry with glue or scotch. Insects will be eager to fly on the smell and penetrate into the bank, but they will not find a way out of it - the hole is too small, and they cannot find it.

You can try to kill fruit flies and other means. In the season of fragrant fruit flies are especially revered watermelon, melon, peel and collect the scraps from them in a large bag (trash can) and leave it at night in the kitchen. In this case, the package should be open to fly freely get into it. In the morning as quietly as you can walk up to him and close the quick movement. "Delicious for" together with flies carry up to chute or container.

If you have at home regularly infest these pesky insects, you can try to exhaust them with the help of special plants that have special insect traps. Plants predators are safe for humans and does not require special care, but with the functions of the extermination of harmful insects they cope perfectly well.

If Drosophila choose a favorite place flower pots, should be stuck in the ground down a match head. A few days later the number of insects will be reduced.

It is worth noting that the flying fruit flies do not fast, so if they are few, it is possible to try to destroy them mechanically. In addition to "crackers", you can use a normal hand vacuum. With it you can easily "raise" is not only crawling, but also flying insects. And, of course, you need to immediately make a outside the apartments with capacity of "garbage".

Conventional adhesive tape from the flies, does not attract fruit flies. But if it is lubricated with red wine or flavored with fruit juice, you can collect a generous "harvest" for a short time.

Flies glued to the tape-trap

It copes well with fruit flies and a plate designed to kill mosquitoes. Its enough to lean in the summer sunny day to the windowpane. From the heat it will heat up and destroy insects.

Once you destroy the flies, you need to hold a general cleaning in the room where they were. This will prevent their re-emergence. Check regularly for rotten fruits and vegetables, especially in the hot summer period.

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