How to deal with ants

How to deal with ants

Ants - unwanted guests in the apartment, and in the country. Insects come to the house in search of food, can be carriers of dangerous infections. Small dirty dog \u200b\u200bclimb into appliances, which leads to its damage and can even cause a short circuit if zalezut in switches. Be patient - the struggle to be serious.

Fighting ants - insecticides

Before treatment with these drugs, prepare the room. Observe where the ants making their way into the room. Seal with silicone or plaster cracks in windows and doors, the joints in the walls, floor and ceiling, and the space around the sewer pipes. For pets and people drugs are not dangerous. Used to kill ants following means:

  • aerosols. Remove from the room pets, and bring people. Treat spray Raptor, Combat and Reid all the places where the ants come and move them the way. Close the apartment and go to visit relatives or friends for a few hours. Then slide in the wet cleaning of the apartment. Do not wipe the surface, to which there is no access to children - the walls behind furniture and the like. The smell of the drug continue deter unwanted guests;
  • gels. Gel attracts ants, they eat it up and carry to the colony for the females, after which all perish. Popular gels - Raptor, Globol, houses and gel toothpaste Sturm. Apply gel near all the places of penetration of the ants, and soon from unwanted guests will be over;
  • crayons, pencils and powders. Draw a chalk "Masha" strips in areas with large concentrations of ants. The powder falls apart in problem areas. Insects will be held on the band and their legs will stick powder residue. Ant will try to remove the remains, swallows and die.

We are fighting ants - folk recipes

The most effective people's methods of dealing with the ants:

  • boric acid. Connect 5 g of boric acid with 50 g of sugar. Fill 50 g of hot water. Add to the mixture to half a teaspoon of any jam. Lower the mixture in the locations of ants. This is for them a refive;
  • effective trap. Put a little sugar and honey into a glass of water. Put a glass near the vehicles of insects. They will be shipped to the sweet smell and drown in the mind;
  • soap solution. Add mint or chamomile oil to the soap solution and spray it in problem places. It destroys the ant paths, and pests will go;
  • yeast. Divide the yeast in the water to the state of the paste, add honey or sugar. Put the mixture on the lids and arrange near distressed places. Ants eat bait and treat their relatives, after which everyone dying.

Fighting ants in the garden

The ants often appear in the garden, attack all the plantings and come in the trunks of the trees. Find their holes and nests in the ground. Boil the pair of water buckets and pour all the nests with boiling water. Use the following ways:

  • to scare the ants, decompose the sprigs of wormwood on the garden;
  • lubricate a tree trunk around the circumference of clay or plasticine, wrap this place in the foil and fasten your scotch or rope. The ants will not climb through foil and will not fall on the tree;
  • fence from pests shrubs. Half a car wheel tires are put on a bush, slightly deepen into the soil and fill with water. This small water ditch will become a barrier for each ant.

We struggle with ants - challenge specialists

If no way gave results - call the team of specialists. All cities have companies providing similar services. You are guaranteed to get rid of ants, but will have to pay for sanitary services services. Specialists destroy pests effectively and quickly.

Please note that the struggle against ants can delay up to a month and longer. Therefore, to prevent their appearance is easier than then get rid of insects. Do not leave the products open, remove crumbs from the table and spend wet cleaning in the apartment more often.

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