TLL on the apple tree - how to deal

TLL on the apple tree - how to deal

Who today does not dream of having a big beautiful and well-kept garden? But seeing how beautiful the tree begins to dry, fade and lose the fruits, these dreams seem to be inaccessible. But even from such a critical situation there is a way out and measures of prevention.

Signs of the appearance of aphids on an apple

This microscopically small animal is up to 4 mm, can destroy the harvest and a whole plantation of trees literally for the month. Aphids breeding with eggs, the supplies of which prepares from the most autumn on the tree bark. As soon as spring comes, young juicy leaves begin to recruit sweet juice, and here our fault, who has been safely overwhelmed, here as here! The failures leads to a spider tick that envelops the apple tree with a web and a multitude of eggs on the leaves, thereby leading to the full death of the plant. But the best friend of Tsi is ants. They feed on its secrets, which are called a meal dew. All summer workers deal to the TRU in its jaws on the tree, and in the winter they warm to the winter to the anthill until spring. Signs of the appearance of aphids on an apple tree:

  • Near the roots of the apple tree there is an anthill.
  • The leaves of the tree are twisted, begin to dry, yellow and fall ahead of time.
  • Turning a leaf to the back side, you will see the eggs of the Tly.
  • The appearance of the Klezleter on the leaves, due to the great formation of a medical dew.

Destruction of folk on the apple tree people

The solution prepared by its own hands is reliable, not a poisonous for a person, easy to prepare and use:

  • Syro-garlic solution: In 10 liter bucket, soda on a large grater piece of household soap, add crushed 3 garlic heads. Fill with water, stir up to the foam. Insist 1-2 days, spray the broom better to get to the highest branches.
  • Infusion of Cepurela: Grind dry leaves and stems cleanly, add a grated piece of household soap to them, fill with 10 liters of water. Insist 2 days in a warm place. Before use, strain.
  • Ash and soap: In a big bucket, pour 3 cups of wood ash, squeeze a piece of soap and pour with water. Adjust 2 days. Before use, dreamed 1: 1.
  • Toman solution: Split tomato leaves to half-live weight, add 1 liter of steep boiling water and 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Let stand the day, after which lubricate the affected leaves on the reverse side.
  • If there are a little bite leaves, then collect them and burn, finishing the remaining solution of the economic soap.
  • The wave does not tolerate sharp smells, sit near the apple tree plants, which it will be afraid - onions, nettle, pyrzym, calendula, garlic, lavender, Dolmatskaya chamomile.

Destruction ofphids on an apple tree insecticides

Chemicals can be treated with an apple tree before flowering and in 5 weeks before harvesting, before the expiration of this time, the fruits are not allowed.

  • Follow the processing in special things to do not get poisoning, rashes on the skin and burns.
  • We enjoy strong poisons in the tragic situation when the tree on the verge of death, in other cases it is recommended to use the people's ways.
  • Pests have a persistent immunity to chemicals, therefore, to use one drug to no avail, they need to be changed in turn.
  • The strongest chemical preparations recommended by gardeners - Kinmix, Spark, Bordeaux liquid, Tanare, Intavir.

Preventive measures in the fall from the Tly on the apple

Prepare an apple tree to winter thoroughly defending against ants and aphids. Remove all strokes next to the tree, the wave loves young shoots and will be happy to settle on them. Fill all the anthills on the plot of steep boiling water, excavating the dealer. Paint the central branches of lime, treat the chemical at a temperature not less than +6 degrees.

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