How to get rid of ants in the garden

How to get rid of ants in the garden

Ants in the garden bring a lot of trouble. Entry under the crust of trees, they contribute to the fact that the tree dies in a couple of years. In beds, where ants build their heaps, vegetables and spicy herbs are growing. And the ants contribute to the spread of Tly, which literally sucks juices with young leaflets of berry shrubs. It is necessary to deal with ants immediately as soon as they noticed in the garden.

Pumping Earth from ants in the garden

The ants are not very loved when they are disturbing. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, beds and the prioric circles of fruit trees, you often need to drag or simply loose.

Treatment of lime from ants in the garden

With the onset of warm days, tree trunks need to be treated with a special pavement or a strong lime solution. In this case, the solution must be applied to the ground around the apple tree and other fruit trees.

Water obstacles from ants in the garden

The ants do not tolerate water, so the bushes can be protected in peculiar man-made water with water. To do this, take the old wheel from the car and cut it along in half. The resulting round capacity to lay around the bush, blocking it slightly in the ground. Next pour ordinary water into it.

Special poisons from ants in the garden

In any garden shop you can buy special agents from ants. These are powders, and liquids, and granules. All these drugs are very toxic, so you need to use them, strictly following the attached instructions.

Folk Methods from ants in the garden

If the owners do not want to use the chemicals, then the people's methods can be recommended for them:

  • Garlic. Finely sparkle a few pieces of garlic and put it in places of accumulation of ants.
  • Boric acid. It should be mixed with any suitable base (meat minced meat, breadfall, thick honey, melted cheese) and roll out of this lamb ball. They decompose them around the beds and near the anthills. For one package of pharmacy acid, there is a 100 g of the base.
  • Yeast. It is necessary to cook sugar syrup (one glass of water and a third of a cup of sugar). When syrup will cool down a little, mix it with 50 g of yeast. All anthills in the garden and in the garden are flooded with this solution.
  • Cool boiling water. Pour water from the kettle right into the anthill.
  • Detergent for dishes. It must be dissolved in water (proportion 1/1) and pour the solution into an anthill. Before this, the anthill can be opened so that the remedy fell as deeper.
  • Corn flour or millet. They are dry fried antics.
  • Cinnamon. Spicy seasoning works well against ants - they just go from the site. Cinnamon needs to sprinkle anthills.

Their forest relatives are very well coped with garden ants. True, large red-haired ants in the garden must be attached in very large quantities.

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