How to create a decorative garden

How to create a decorative garden

The times when the gardens planted only in order to feed the family, long ago passed. Now, many pay special attention not only to the functionality of their garden plot, but also its aesthetic appearance. Create a decorative garden at the cottage is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

Preparation should begin with a clear plan. To do this, on a piece of paper, you need to draw a summer cottage and show fantasy. It is necessary to think through the shape of the beds: square, rounded, rhombid. Locate the beds on the plan. Then the style should be defined and pick up plants for planting, including taking into account their height. If the plot is almost even, the low-spirited plants turn into high ones will look good. At each part of the garden, cultures should grow with the same facilities in watering. You can plant some plants in the pots, they will look beautiful at different levels. The design must be made corresponding to the plan plan.

The functional solution will be the decorative paths of the cobblestone, tiles, pebbles or gravel. They will share the land on separate sections - it will be very  beautiful look. The edges of the beds complete the pillow from sand and crushed stone. Walking along the paths made from the treated timber or wood will be convenient during the care of the beds. Between the sections, a woven fence of flexible aspen spots intertwined between carriages can be made. In order for the fence for a long time, it should be closed with polyethylene on the inside.

For decorative vegetable garden, you need to choose greens, which will look profitable throughout the summer season. Beautifully look like such plants like Kinza, Basil, Parsley, Melissa. Good neighbors of this greenery: cabbage, pepper, patissons. In one section, you can place vegetables with groups. The main rule is not to plant the plants that do not get alongside each other: carrots - dill, cabbage - parsley, cucumbers - odorous herbs. Picturesquely look at the garden, decorated with flowers. For curly plants, such as cucumbers and beans, wooden or metal ladies are suitable. Curly in such designs of culture, look very aesthetic.

Separate the beds from each other can be stones, combining parsley and strawberries, salad and broccoli. The classic version of the decorative garden assumes the presence of major plants that attract attention from all sides, so it is necessary to plant them symmetrically. When choosing plants for landing on a decorative garden in the foreground, it is not a yield, but beauty. All his structure should be harmonious.

Working on the creation of decorative vegetable garden, you can perfectly combine pleasant with useful. It is only necessary to be able to fantasize and not be afraid of innovations and experiments.

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