How to use sawdust

How to use sawdust

Despite the fact that sawdust is essentially a waste, they can be used to use them in weight. On the basis of sawdust was even invented a new material, which is 4 times harder ice and has the resistance to the explosion of concrete.

The main advantage of sawdust in front of other fertilizers is that they are significantly cheaper (and some enterprises are completely emitted). By adding sawdust to the soil, we make it more loose, water and breathable, prevent the formation of "crusts". However, pre-layers need to be prohibited, for which they are added to the compost bunch. And so that the sawdresses do not whine the ground, they will still be lime.

This wood material is successfully used for mulching both in the rewind and fresh. It is useful to lay a layer of several centimeters under fruit and vegetable bushes, for example, raspberry. Fresh sawdust in advance to hold "under the press" for several weeks. To do this, there are 3 buckets of sawdust on a sheet of waterproof film, about 200 g of urea and 10 liters of water. We cover the same piece of films, pressed and leave to ripe. Fertilizer in the first half of summer.

The addition of sawdust accelerates the processing of manure and vegetable tops in compost. The latter is higher than the highest quality. Sawdles are good when mulching strawberry and strawberry varies, as they prevent the fruit touch to the ground and infection with gray rot. Pine breeds are capable of scarying weevils.

If during the formation of a variety between them, pour sawdust, then we can:

  • avoid draining the ridge;
  • after the rain is not "kneading dirt", and quietly walk along the layers;
  • reduce the germination of weeds;
  • lift the ridge as needed;
  • subsequently, the outlines will become a fertilizer.

In the lying sawdust you can germinate seeds. This will allow the latter to form a powerful root system, but unfortunately will not provide nutrients. Therefore, it is possible to keep the seedlings in the wood waste until the first leaves, that is, as long as the seedlings feeds from the grain.

If before planting potato tubers, give to lie down in sawdust, you can get an early harvest of them. For this, potatoes with advanced eyes who visited the sun are laid in a box with heavy, wet sawdust for about 2 weeks. When sprouts increase to 8 cm, transplant the tubers in the ground.

If there is no desire to bother with overwhelming or formation of a compost heap, sawdust simply can be treated with any fertilizer with a high nitrogen content (about 20 g per 1 kg of waste). We introduce this mixture in the ridges by autumn or in the spring, mixing with the manure. Even if you added ordinary sawdust in the ground, the Earth did not deteriorate. A year later, they overload and all useful substances will be given to the next season. And the plants on this plots try to feed the Selitra.

Speakers can be filled into the country toilet together with Baikal bacteria and \\ or peat. It helps to destroy the unpleasant smell, reduce and recycle the contents of the cesspool. Also, sawdust is an excellent medium for mycelium mushrooms, in particular meshin. Many dackets use wood waste in the form of a litter for the content of animals.

We will summarize: sawdust is a very useful material for any dacket and gardener. The main thing is to know how to use them correctly, prepare and process in the ground.

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