How to grow a white mushroom in the country

How to grow a white mushroom in the country

If the lion is the king of animals, then the king of mushrooms can be boldly called a white mushroom. It is considered the most delicious, fragrant, useful, and on the valuable mushroom. If it is not possible to regularly go to the forest and look for this miracle mushroom, then the problem can be solved by putting it in your country.

Most of the forest mushrooms grow well only when their fungus interacts with the roots of bushes and trees. Therefore, ideally, if on the site where you plan to grow a white mushroom, birch, coniferous trees and shrubs grow. Ideal for the landing of mushrooms summer period from May to September. Manipulation with disembarkation should be carried out in the cold time.

There are several ways to grow a white mushroom in country conditions. First, you can transplant the mushroom from the natural habitat, that is, from the forest. To do this, it is necessary to neatly dig up the fungne and carefully transfer to your own site - very carefully, so as not to terminate the earth with the mushrooms.

Before you plant a white mushroom on the site, it is necessary to prepare the land near the suitable tree. At a distance, no further than 0.5 m from the tree, it is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil, about 20-30 cm. On the bottom of the pits, you should lay the finished compost from the pipes of the tree, fallen leaves. Ups with a small layer of earth and only then "lay down" the plastic of the earth with a mushroom. After that, it is pouring it and sprinkle another layer of leaves.

If in the first 14 days after the disembarkation costs dry weather, the fungne is needed to water the drip method. Keep in mind that planting a white mushroom is under the same tree, from under which you dug it. Be extremely attentive, do not "set out" your country area to poisonous mushrooms.

Also breed a white mushroom on the plot using mycelium. It is on sale in many gardens stores. As in the first case, planting mushrooms by means of mycelium requires preliminary preparation of the site. Pick up the place in the shade of trees, where the soil most often wet. At a distance of 0.5 m from the tree trunk, remove the top layer of the Earth to the depth of 0.5 m. The required area of \u200b\u200bthe pits count on the amount of mycelium.

At the bottom of the pits to put compost from sawdust, duchi, leaves. The substrate layer should be about 0.2 m. From above, sprinkle about 0.1 m. Next is the mixed layer of soil with a compost. And on top of this ball, you can put mycelium to the ground with the earth. This substance will be useful to add growth amplifier. Distribute a mixture manually uniformly, you can take a little tamper. At the top, sprinkle the soil. Plot water with water and sprinkle with fallen leaves.

Specialized stores for sale ready-made substrates for disembarking white mushrooms. These mixtures replace rather complex homemade substrates. Do not forget after the Missel's landing regularly water the plot. Vintage can be collected, already starting next year. Fruit such a mushroom may for 2-5 years.

And another way to breed white mushrooms - mushroom seedlings. For this, pieces of mushroom and hats need to finely cut or skip through the meat grinder. After that, the resulting substance should be poured with water and leave for a day. Plot under the tree to dwell and focus with a compost, as in previous methods. This place is poured by filled with pieces of white mushrooms, sprinkle with leaves from above.

Keep in mind that the white mushroom is "not friendly" with fruit trees. If there are no forest trees on your site, try to plant a mushroom near wooden buildings from the shadow side. And do not forget to cover your mushrooms into a particularly cold winters with a compost, and if necessary, and additional passing material.

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