How to grow white mushroom

How to grow white mushroom

White mushroom is rightly considered the ideal among the relatives. Its appetite appetizer is a fleshy brown hat on a snow-white pesting leg, and taste is gorgeous. It is called white because it does not darken when cooking and drying.

Recently, it was the opinion that the breeding of white mushrooms was difficult and inactively. Today, the myth will refute the many farmers specializing in this form of classes. The reason for unproductive cultivation was considered a programmed complex symbiosis of the fungus with trees, their strong relationship with roots, which reproduce exceptional conditions for mycorrhiza. The new developments of Dutch scientist-breeders demonstrated exclusive varieties of white mushrooms that are able to reproduce in sufficient volumes in summer cottages, in greenhouses and cellars.

Technologies and Methods of Cultivation. There are two varieties: extensive (in a natural medium) and intensive (artificially). Extensive cultivation methods:

  1. Acquire mycelium white mushroom.
  2. We choose a place with growing trees of deciduous or coniferous rocks.
  3. Preparing a landing site. Not far from the trunk remove the top layer of the soil (8-15 cm). There should be a bare area of \u200b\u200b1.2-1.7 m, in the center of which is a tree trunk.
  4. This section is placed in a thin layer of compost, and on top of the mixture of mycelium in a checker order (after 22-30 cm).
  5. We cover the soil layer. Through the sprayer, we water the processed area.
  6. It is advisable to hide the place with a small layer of straw. To save moisture.
  7. Requires periodic watering with the addition of microorganisms.
  8. Be sure to cover with fallen leaves from frosts. With the onset of heat, the shelter must be removed.

White Mushroom Cultivation Hats. Mushrooms are harvested when the pulp becomes green. Hats soaked in a weak solution of manganese (1.5 g per bucket of rainwater). The diameter of the blanks is 15-25 cm. We place 13-16 pieces in the bucket and add 15 pieces of refined sugar to form a nutrient medium. Hats slightly kneading so that ripe disputes hit directly into the composition. The formed homogeneous mass leave the day formed. Apply even the diesel and filled hats! Place for disembodies is prepared identically to the previous way, but the landing is different:

  • On the purified area of \u200b\u200bthe soil, we pour the resulting composition (2.5 liters per square meter) on top of the roots.
  • The mushroom fabric is laid on top, which remains as a result of the filping. The plot is covered with land and watering water.
  • The humidity of the soil is constantly supported.
  • The place is hidden for the winter, and in the spring shelter is removed.
  • 6-7 Water buckets should be made per tree trunk per week.

  Planting material. Take the proven suppliers. Examine scrupulously all the characteristics of the mushrooms. With barely noticeable ammonium smell, give up the batch of goods. Color should be orange with yellow. Home bags with mycelium cool, ventilate, and after cooking for planting. Grind the stuffing of the bags, not porting the packaging. For bookmark you need sterility.

  What will help increase the chance of sprinkling germination:

  1. Choose mushrooms, growing trees under the rocks, near which the creation of a mushroom greenhouse is planned. Trees on the site must be healthy.
  2. After collecting the mushrooms are soaked, and the next day is placed in the soil. For more than 8 hours, it is impossible to maintain the sowing material. Frozen mycelium is unsuitable for landing.
  3. The alcohol is poured first, it interferes with water, and after the caps are added (1.5-2 cent. L. On 5 liters of water and 25 g of sugar).
  4. Before planting, the purified soil should be treated with a disinfecting solution. Use a mixture of tannins. On a tree - 4 liters of solution. Prepared from tea or oak bark.
  5. Landing time - until September 15. Later, the mushroom does not come true.
  6. Do not forget to regularly water the plot, especially in a hot summer.

However, we will be realistic, the cultivation of white mushrooms (with all the achievements of the current mushrooms) remains for lovers - a difficult task. No need to get upset if the failure will fail. There are a lot of stories of successful growing white mushroom, so the probability of obtaining a crop with each attempt will increase.

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