How to grow truffle

How to grow truffle

Truffles - a long-recognized world delicacy, which is sometimes favorable money. So many did not even try it to taste and know only the first. However, everything that grows can be grown under the condition of investment of funds and forces. The cultivation of truffles is a very time-consuming process that requires large cash investments, but after a few years, subject to successful cultivation, it can turn into a completely successful business. Since the price of truffles is very high and justifies the attachments.

For growing truffles, a fairly large space is required if you are going to grow them outdoors, or a well-equipped room, can be used, necessarily with the possibility of maintaining a constant temperature - about + 22 ° C. Mushrooms are extremely poorly tolerated the temperature differences, and you will not have a good harvest in this case. It is also desirable that the conditions in your region are favorable for the growth of oaks, beeches or nuts, as the truffles form symbiosis with these trees and grow in their roots.

For landing truffles you will need several seedlings of hazel, oak or beech and dispute material - peat with mushroom disputes. Saplings already infected with mushrooms can be purchased in the store, but in Russia it is quite rare, so it can be more convenient to use online stores. The roots of the seedlings carefully process the dispute material, immerse in the nutrient medium and leave on quarantine. Three or four weeks, when the mycelium arrives, seedlings can be planted into the nursery. The final adhesion occurs within one year.

Prepare a place to land seedlings with mycelius truffles. It should be a good quality of the soil without stones, a nice, fertilizer is better not to make not killed mycelium. It is advisable to carefully treat the soil mechanically - it should not be infected with other mushrooms, the presence of grass and weeds is not allowed, especially in the first couple of years of growing truffles. But the processing of herbicides is unacceptable. Planting seedlings in open soil is needed late in the spring, when the threats of frosts finally passed. A little water is poured into the fossa, a plant is sled to a depth of 0.75 m, the earth falls asleep and compact. From above, within a radius of 40 cm, a layer of mulch is scattered - a forest earth with fallen rudder leaves, cover the film.

For successful growing truffles, it is necessary to carefully care for plantation. Do not allow the territory of the main enemies of truffles - pigs and rabbits, fight pests, such as weevils, follow the constant level of the soil. Regularly produce thorough cleaning of weeds. In addition, it is important that the temperature is fluctuated from +16 to + 22 ° C. On soon, the crop remains only to dream, but for five years the fungi will grow more and more, and the fruit of mycelium can decades. You will be able to learn about the emergence of a crop on a small disclapions that appeared on Earth.

Due to the value of truffles, their cultivation is, although very troublesome, but very profitable. Around the world there are many farms for the cultivation of these valuable mushrooms, even in those places where truffles have never grew. So grow them possible, especially since the yield on mushroom farms is several times higher than in natural conditions of nature.

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