How to grow pepper seedlings

How to grow pepper seedlings

Pepper belongs to the family of the Parotnic, and, it means landing, care for it is similar to tomatoes. It does not require special care conditions, so it is popular in our latitudes. Peppers add when prepared first, second dishes, salads, can be preserved for the winter. To get a sweet, juicy pepper is the main thing - the right landing and transplanting to the ground.

Preparation of soil. It is possible in specialized stores to purchase already ready-made soil, and you can prepare in advance yourself. Mixion bucket of land from the garden, a bucket of compost and a bucket of black peat. There is also something like a glass of ash.

Choose seeds. For consumption in the fresh form, peppers are needed with thick pulp, large-scale. These are the varieties of California Miracle, Winnie Pooh, which require more careful care. For canning, fine-grade varieties are suitable, such as a topoline, merchant.

Before buying, landing see the shelf life of pepper seeds. With each last year, the germination of seeds decreases. Also consider them visually - dried, deformed better throw out.

Seeds decompose into gauze, folded several times, and put half an hour in a solution of manganese. This is done like this: in a glass of warm water dissolve several crystals of mangalls to obtain a brightly painted solution.

Any suitable capacity (box, cardboard box, glasses) is filled with soil and watered by a solution of manganese. Make a thumb with a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The distance between the seedlings should be at least 4 cm. In each sneeze, 2 seeds are placed and the ground is sprinkled. After planting seeds, it is not necessary to water. Capacities are closed with a film and put in a warm place.

Shoot will appear in 10-14 days. Seedlings immediately put in a light place and moderately watered. You can make a couple of mineral fertilizers a couple of times.

When the pepper seedls will appear at least 3 leaves make a pickup. It will be about 15-20 days after the appearance of germs. Large and free containers with a soil moisturize, make small snaps and transplant pepper. After picking, the seedlings hold for several days in the shade.

When the frosts are passed, in early June you can land seedlings in open ground. Squeeze them into sunny, warm places, as they do not tolerate even a half.


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