How to grow Mediop

How to grow Mediop

The Issop is a perennial shrub, reaching a height of 0.5 m. In antiquity, it was used in the form of a decoction for the treatment of rheumatism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the upper respiratory tract, with excessive disorders of the nervous system. Issop has a strong spicy smell that look like ginger and sage, and spicy taste.

Issop is not whimsical to soil, although it is better to grow it on solar plots with a light, not too fertilized land. This plant is well tolerating drought and cold. Species of Issop not much: medicinal, chalk, anise. Flowers Issop blue, purple or pink flowers.

For sowing Issop, you can raise seeds from seeds. Early spring seeds need to sow in boxes. In the ground, make a groove, located at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other, to deepen the seeds, slightly sprinkle their land. Seedlings will feel better to feel in the greenhouse. If freezers still stand at night, the boxes need to be covered with a film.

When the 6-8 first leaves appear, the seedlings need to be counted in separate containers. Or you can leave in the same box where they were planted, but the distance between adjacent plants should be at least 20 cm. When the threat of frosts will pass, and the age of plants will be 45-60 days, the seedlings must be planted for a permanent place in the ground.

It is necessary to plant seedlings with rows, the distance between which 50-60 cm. Between plants to leave 8-10 cm, deepen them worth 0.5-0.8 cm. In the same way you can sow seeds right into the ground. Shoots they will give in 2 weeks. They need to cut forward just as seedlings.

Issop needs watering 2-3 times for the entire season (15-20 liters of water per 1 m²), weeding and loosening. Fingering the ICSOP should be organic fertilizers. If the Issoop grows slowly, you need to make feeding from mineral fertilizers: 20-30 g per 10 liters of water.

So that the Issop is abundantly blooming, it is necessary to cut shoots in the fall. After trimming, the stems should be in a height of 12-15 cm. In order for young plants to close, pruning can be spent in spring. To protect bushes from exhaustion, it is necessary to remove the inflorescences when they start toasting. Dismix them on paper and leave the seed ripening. Issop Seeds retain their germination of 3-4 years.

Hisp can be multiplied with cuttings. With a bush in spring or summer you need to cut twigs at 10 cm long, put in the ground and protect against sunlight. The cuttings are rapidly rooted and caught.

Flowering Issop continues from June to October. For a sucking it can be repeatedly cut - it will quickly grow. Issop is good as seasoning to salads, fish, meat dishes and soups.

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