How to grow amarants from seeds

How to grow amarants from seeds

Amarants are a garden plant, a long time has long been brought to Russia from America and blooming unusual bright blizzes. Surely you saw such a beauty along the tracks in private houses, but did not know his botanical name - we have this flower called the "Shiny".

Amaranth bushes are not only very decorative, this plant is used in folk medicine, and for cooking, and for animal feed. Today we will talk about how to grow Amarants from seeds on our site so that they are not only decorative, but they have many seeds for further use of their economy. The genus of amarants has more than 60 varieties, and in appearance they are red, pink, green, yellow, blurred, drooping, in the form of corals or balls.

Amarants are very undemanding to soils, well tolerate drought and are practically not subject to any diseases. Only because of these wonderful properties, the flower deserves to be grown in the garden. Place for landing Choose the solar and prepare a bed with autumn. Redoad the soil to a depth of 20 cm and make any organicity - humus, humus, peat. In the spring, the garden is once again shry so that the earth is saturated with oxygen.

Wait for sustainable heat, usually it is mid-May, and begin to sow amarants. Moisten the soil before sowing and make a long groove in the ground with a depth of 1.5 cm. The distance between the furrows should be: 50 cm - if the plant is grown for pet food, 70 cm - for the decorativeness of the garden, or if the seeds are collected from the amaranth Food. The amaranth seeds are very small, therefore, for uniform sowing, mix them with dry sand in the proportion of 1/20. After drinking Amarants to the grooves, carefully sprinkle their land, sink it a little and climb sawdust. Watering, according to the earth drying.

With a favorable warm weather, the amarants will begin to bring up for 7-10 days. The first month, the increment of bushes will be insignificant due to the increase in the powerful root system. But in June-month, the plant will very actively go into growth. At this time, the amarants require regular irrigation (but not overcooked), soil loosening between rows and cutting shoots. If the amarants you will grow for food or simply like a decoration of flower beds, then take the distance between individual bushes 15-20. Then they will grow very lush, and they will have larger seeds. If the plant want to use as a nutritional additive for animals, then enough and 7-10 cm.

Further care for amarantines is watering and feeding with organic or mineral fertilizers. The latter is needed so that blooming panicles are larger and decorative. If you are going to eat seeds in food, then from mineral feeding, especially nitrogen, refuse. Amarants greatly accumulate nitrates that are harmful to the body.

If you have grown amarants at your bed, you will definitely assemble seeds to do not buy them next year. Collect them while panickers become a little cluster. Cut the inflorescences and put under the canopy for the ripening. Seeds and leaves of amarants are actively used in folk medicine during gastritis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids. The seeds are boiled tasty porridge, dried up into the dough, from the leaves they prepare delicious drinks of the type of kvass.

Amarants are good and the fact that they are able to suppress any weeds in the garden. So if you are constantly struggling with drinking or other similar herbs, put these unusual and very beautiful flowers in your site.

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