How to grow early radishes

How to grow early radishes

The season of the first spring vegetables undoubtedly opens radishes. Red "root-puzati" are rich in mineral salts, calcium, potassium and vitamins, for which our body was spilled over the winter months. Redisse is also unique in the fact that various varieties and methods of growing allow lovers to have this vegetable on the table all year round.

Planting radishes is needed in loose fertile soil. It is first necessary to swap, make a compost at the rate of 2-3 kilograms per square meter. Please note if you decide to fertilize mineral fertilizers, you will not "overdo it", make a strictly designated dose, as radishes well accumulates nitrates. Be careful and with organic fertilizers, because from their oversupply radish will go to the "arrow". It is not worth the radishes on one site every year. At the previous place, the root plant can be planted only in 4-5 years.

With the choice of grade, you will certainly decide by reading the harvest timing on the package with the seeds of the early varieties of radishes. These include early red, dawn, heat, goddess, ice icicle, deck, basis, french breakfast.

Before falling into the soil, the seeds of the radish are sorted, sorted in size and quality. For sowing is ideal large and medium. In principle, you can sow dry seeds to the ground, but if you want to do everything for sure, it is better, of course, soak. To do this, pour the seeds with warm water for several hours until you swollen.

Sowing. Make rows at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. For this you do not need special devices, it is enough to sell the earth with hand. If your seeds are dry, insert 2-3 pieces at a distance of 5 centimeters. The closed seeds are quite independent, they can be sowned by one. After sowing, they are advised to fall asleep the beds with peat or compost and cover with a film. Please note the radishes are a very moisture and light and light-affiliated plant. Therefore, do not forget about watering and good lighting of the site.

The enemy of young shoots of the radish is a cruciferous flew. In order to avoid the unfavorable "Neighborhood", once a week, the beds should pollinate wood ash or spray with informs of garlic, tobacco.

Radish is a rather frost-resistant plant. Its seeds will germinate even if on the street 3-5 degrees with a plus. Even the lowering of the bit of the thermometer before -3 does not pose a threat to root. Shoot seeds are waiting for 3-4 days. If there is a need to come and get ready for harvest, radishes grows very quickly!

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