Pasternak is a spicy plant, very similar to parsley. The foods also use "tops", and "roots", but it is mainly grown due to a powerful spherical root that can be added to any dishes.
Pasternak is a two-year plating. In the first year, he grows leaves and white - yellow root, which can be stored in winter in the basement. For the second year, the bushes that remained wintering in the ground bloom, and then the seeds can be collected from them. For the winter, the bushes that leave for their further flowering, you need to hide the straw well, before it removes all the leaves. They should be cut off to a height of 5 cm from the ground. Pasternak is very unpretentious to the composition of the Earth, it grows even on very poor soils. The main condition so that Pasternak rose great and tasty - a lot of the sun and regular watering. In the garden, where it is planned to grown Pasternak, a little compost can be made, approximately 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper square meter. The compost should be made necessarily under the winter so that it can additionally prohibit. If this is not done and make it in the spring, then instead of a large root you will get a large mass of greenery. You can sow Pasternak under the winter or early spring, in mid-April. Pasternak is not very active to the geogide of seeds, so before sowing it is to soak in a special composition, contributing to the best germination - "epin" or other similar.Be sure to sit at home in the Pasternak site. In addition to the fact that you divert your table with new flavors and flavors, it will also scare from the area of \u200b\u200bthe unreasonable guests - ants, Tlya, caterpillars.