When planting Rediska

When planting Rediska

Radish is one of the very first vegetables that appear on our desk after winter. This vegetable refers to early cultures, accordingly, it is necessary to plant it before, rather than cucumbers and tomatoes.

The time for planting radishes depends on the conditions and from the climate. If you plan to plant it in open ground, take care of the plot in the fall. It is necessary after the last harvest collection to make some fertilizers to bed. It is allowed to fertilize the soil after the snow. Redishes matures for 3-4 weeks and loves sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to sow seeds in early May in sunny weather. We recommend to warm up the ground, for this cover the bed with black polyethylene. In case of sunlight, the cannke is heated, as a result, the soil temperature rises.

When planting Rediska

If you plan to sow seeds in greenhouses, then this can be done in the first decade of April. To do this, prepare the soil and make some fertilizers. Remember, if you add a lot of humus, the plant will go into the arrow, and the rootpode will be empty. Seed seeds are needed to a depth of 5-7 cm. It is impossible to sow radishes very close to the surface, as a result of this, the rootpode will be small. During the landing of the radishes in panic, it is recommended to slightly moisten the soil, you can not rich soil soil, it will lead to rotting. Usually, after 4-6 days, first sprouts appear. After the appearance of the shoots, it is necessary to swift the Grocery. It is necessary that during sowing the temperature in the greenhouse reached 15-20 ° C.

When planting Rediska

Want to accelerate root root? In this case, you can prepare seeds. To do this, fill them with water and hold 2 hours in it. After transferring the seeds to the wet gauze or cotton and wait for the sprouts to be sick. As soon as you see green dots on the seeds, transfer them to the ground. It is recommended to do when the temperature at night does not fall below 10 ° C.

When planting Rediska

Very convenient for planting seeds use trays for eggs. To do this, prepare the soil, it must be slightly wet. Place the pan on the soil and give it. There should be cone-shaped recesses, they should be laid on one seed. Remember, it is impossible to allow complete soil drying, the earth should always be wet and warm. Ideal conditions for the growth of radish - from +10 to + 25 ° C. The culture grows and at a lower temperature, but in this case the ripening of the root crops is longer.

Under the film Radish can be sowed in the second decade of April. When heating the air during the day above 15 ° C, the film is removed, and at night she covers the sprouts again. If the air temperature during the day reaches 24 ° C, the film can be removed. If you want to speed up the landing of the radish, make a homemade seeding device. Cut the tape from paper and at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Stick seeds on the hubber from flour. When the landing time comes, make grooves in which put the tape with seeds. Slightly suck the seeds of the earth and a little bit. Water softening Clauster, and the seeds will go.

When planting Rediska

If you want roots to be sweet, plant radishes near the beans or green onions. Remember, radishes grows poorly near the cucumbers, so Seit seeds away from this plant.

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