How to plant zucchini

How to plant zucchini

The zucchini is considered a very unpretentious plant, but not all gardeners it turns out to grow it. There are several simple rules, how to put zucchini. If they adhere to them, the vegetable will delight good harvest and long fruiting.

The zucchini belongs to the family of pumpkin and does not like the place where his relatives grew (cucumbers, pumpkins, melons). They are best to sit on that bedtime, where last year there were onions, carrots, potatoes or any greens. The zucchini does not just need, but can not live without a good fertilized land. If you have a compost bunch in the site before, then take this place to land. If there is no such possibility, then make an improvised pile in advance. Fold in one place the stalks of last year's colors and the fallen foliage. Pour the vegetable residues with water or solution of mineral fertilizers (for example, nitroposka), and suck the vegetable ground from above. Pour it a little - just 5-10 cm. Such a bunch to build the earliest spring as soon as you do spring work in the garden. Cover the prepared high bed. Cover the dark film and leave until it comes to plant seeds.

Zucchini love warmth, so it is necessary to plant them in the open soil closer to mid-May. Although it all depends on the region - in the southern regions it may be the end of April. Before disembarking, zucchin seeds must be moistened and handled:

  1. Put a wet fabric napkin on the saucer.
  2. Place seeds on it and cover the same cloth.
  3. Leave the seeds on three days and make sure that the fabric is constantly wet.
  4. Battle seeds put in the bag and send for 10-15 minutes to the freezer.
  5. After that, keep them for another two day in the refrigerator on the coldest shelf.

Instead of quenching seeds, it is possible, on the contrary, warm hard. Then they should not be moisturized, and before planting to hold 7 days on the sunny window sill.

For the best germination, the seeds were subjected to moisturizing or warming up our grandmothers. Modern methods are faster, but then sowing material must be treated with special growth stimulants. It can be "Bud", "Gumisol", "Vegeta", "Agrikola-striker". Buy any suitable and process seeds according to the instructions.

Prepared zucchin seeds planted into the ground to a depth of 3 to 6 cm - it all depends on what land is on your row. On the lighter soils of the seeds, block up to 6 cm, on the heavier - up to 3 cm. Put 2-3 seeds in each well (put them on the side end), and suck the fertile land from above. After landing, pick up future zucchini warm water and climb the well. Watering do with the earth drying. If the weather forecast is expected morning frosts, then shelter Loutrasil at night. When the zucchini goes around and they will have one or two real leaves, leave only two strongest sprouts in the hole. Remote the remaining by plugging. In no case do not pull out unnecessary sprouts - you risk damage the neighboring roots.

Zucchini is very like watering, so you follow the earth to be wet under them. Do not forget that it is possible to water them only with warm water. So that the zucchini does not get sick, climb the lower leaves that fall on the ground and rotate. Zucchini, like cucumbers, suffer greatly from Tly - it can exhaust bushes to such an extent that they will stop blossoming. So that your works have not passed the gift, draw our article "How to deal with tool on plants".

The described method of planting and care for zucchini fully applies to patissons, and to Zucchini - the nearest relatives. As you can see, put and grow zucchini is very simple. Following our advice, the harvest you will receive a rans.

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