How to plant patissons

How to plant patissons

Patchson is an annual, thermo-loving, herbaceous plant, very similar to a zucchini or pumpkin, in the form of inflorescence and the method of cultivation. But they have completely different fruits. The patissons are very diverse and beautiful, resemble plates with a wavy edge, white, yellow, green, orange, lilac, motley. In order for the harvest to be early, grown patissons preferably through seedlings.

Prepare a well-lit, ventilated area for planting seedlings is better in autumn. Make an organic fertilizer (potassium, phosphorus) to the land (Potassium, phosphorus), switch, but not to break the clock. Make it in the spring when the earth will dry. Then crushes the surface of the soil and make mineral fertilizers.

Take seeds that collected 3-4 years ago, put into a solution of boric acid (20 mg per liter of water). Such soaking seeds stimulates their germination. Then put in small tissue bags and hold the day at room temperature. The next day, rinse thoroughly under running water and dried slightly.

Severate seeds to seedlings from April 10 to 25, when the temperature reaches 14-15 degrees. In the middle of the garden to make holes with a depth of 3-4 cm, if the soil is dense - 5-6 cm. The distance is about 90 cm between the wells. To put 2-3 seeds in each well, then you can send plants or remove weaker. Put arcs, pull the film. If the temperature drops sharply, then provide additional shelter, create greenhouse conditions for better growth. At home, you can sink seeds in the pots in May.

In May, from about 15 to 20, the 20th time, when it is warm enough, a week before the landing to prepare the beds: to carefully switch and break the soil, remove weeds, pour out the resigned, heated to about 40 grams. water. Cover the film to keep moisture and warm. After 5-6 days, the film is removed and start the fallout of grown seedlings. The time of sowing patissons depend largely on the temperature of the soil. Proper preparation of beds, if you cover it with a film, will ensure the rapid heating of the soil and landing time can be shifted by the beginning of May. It will help to warm up the soil and bookmark of manure into the breakthrough grooves, after that fall asleep their land.

It is not very close to the seedlings to each other, the distance between bushes in a row 70 cm, then pour well. It is necessary to protect patissons from the cold. If night frosts or cooling are possible, do not forget to cover the beds with a film and regularly ventilate the shelter. If it is found that some bushes are disappeared, then delete them or touch others.

Patchsons love watering, especially during the period of string and ripening of fruits. Water with warm water before flowering in 5-6 days, then after 3-4 days. Watering under the root or on the proyed grooves so that the fruits do not start from excess moisture. Do not loose and not dip, 1-2 times to plug the peat or any land blend. Feed it for all the time of growth 3 times with a cow-1/10 solution or chicken litter - 1/20.

Patchsons - the plant is not only beautiful, but also very useful in diet food. The fiber contains in them improves the intestinal operation, kidneys, displays cholesterol, prevents obesity. In the fruits of patissons a lot of water, vitamins, pectin, potassium salts, so they are useful in cardiovascular diseases, hypertension. Who eats them, it does not age for a long time.


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