How and when to plant a host

How and when to plant a host

In common, the host is often called the "queen shady garden" or "plant for lazy." Both both true: the host grows perfectly in the shade of trees and practically does not require attention to themselves. Once putting this unpretentious plant, you will admire beautiful green or motley bushes for many years. By the way, the host also blooms, and although her flowers are not very decorative, they look quite beautifully, where other plants do not grow at all.

The host is better to plant an early spring, so that over the summer it can be well rooted and buying up in a new place. The seedling of the hosts can be bought in the store, but it is better to take it from the neighbors or acquire it in the market - it will be much cheaper. Grandmothers sell the host in the form of small "deteen" (part of the coastal). If you have gathered the host to take from the neighbors, then wait until it goes and look like a beam of unbreakable leaves - it will happen in early May. Kush dig up for a pitchfork - so you can avoid damage to the roots. Lock all the earth with the roots and gently cut their long ends. Disassemble the stalks with your hands, having a certain part of them aside. Ensure that the Delleka consists not less than two incomprehensible leaves. In the location of the roots, cut them with a conventional kitchen knife. Plush place Pop wood ash.

Dellets land in the ground on the same day when they were purchased on the market or dug themselves. Dock the smell of such a magnitude so that the roots fit in it and the place remains for humus. Lunka span well with water, let it absorb and add humus (0.5-1 liter on one bush). When landing the host of the roots, it is so that they do not go deep into the vertically, and no matter how hardening underground. To do this, in the hole, make an earthen hormick, and spread the roots on it. Then pour them with the ground to the ground level. Good compact, and if necessary, then plunge the lands. Watch that the lack of scratching leaves are located at the same level over the ground, which was dugged with a bush.

Sometimes hosts are bought in garden centers - they are sold in the form of bare roots with sleeping kidney. If you bought such a plant very early, then before disembarking, put it in the refrigerator into the fruit container. At the beginning of May, get the roots from the refrigerator, land them into the container with the ground for seedlings and wait for the next leaf arrows above the surface. Host from the pot planted into the garden in early June, when the threat of morning frosts. When buying the roots of the host in May on the neck, there are usually already woken kidneys. Such delays sat immediately to the garden, blowing the kidneys into the ground by 3-5 cm.

The hosts are very unpretentious in part of fertilizers, but if you adopt them when landing, then bushes will delight foliage violence in the first year. For each well, except for humoring, add 10 g of nitrate ammonia, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate. Or buy a complex fertilizer "Kemira Universal" and then put 60 g per plant.

The challenge plant, the host, at the same time does not tolerate the stagnation of water. If on the plot where you gathered to sit on, it happens very wet, then the well under the bush dig up twice deeper and devote drainage at its bottom. Use a broken brick or large crushed stone. Water the host as the soil dries, but do not pour it. In a very roast land around bush warm down.

As mentioned above, the host loves the shadow and half. This applies to varieties with purely green and blue leaves - if they are planted in the sun, they will lose their decorativeness. But the engagement hosts (with white and yellow stripes on the leaves) can be planted on more solar places, but slightly proven by their higher plants.

If you do not have the opportunity to put the host in the spring, then this can be done in August or September. True, work will be more, because you have to share a big bush. For the winter, the plant planted in the fall, be sure to cover the straw. The hosts, planted in the spring, do not need the shelter. If you decide that the host grows not on the place where you would like, then it can be transplanted even in the middle of summer. But then the plant transplanted entirely and together with the earthen room.

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