How to plant Barbaris

How to plant Barbaris

"Petals like marine sink" is so literally translated the word Barbaris. Initially, Barbaris grown mainly in the mountainous areas of the northern hemisphere, then this unpretentious shrub spread almost everywhere. The main types of Barbaris, suitable for cultivation in Russia: ordinary, Amur, Ottavsky, Tunberg. Barberry berries are widely used in the Kitchens of the Caucasus, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Barbaris is well tolerating drought and strong winds. It is impossible to plant a barberry in clay soil, he will quickly wage. It is best sumedy or peeled soil, which is close to neutral. The plot should be chosen well lit or a little bit in the shade. It should not be stagnant water.

One of the methods of breeding Barbaris - seeds. Fresh Barberry Berries need to squeeze, wipe through the sieve, rinse and dry. In late autumn, the seeds can be sowed right into the grooves, deepening by 1 cm. If the landing is planned for the spring, the seeds must be put in the sand, thoroughly overcurrent and leave in a cool place. Sprinkled seeds are needed with sand. When 2 real leaves appear, it is necessary to have thinning, leaving the distance between seedlings 3 cm and more. When the bushes reach the age of 1 year, sear them 1 m from each other.

Modifying a bush of Barbarisa with the help of a gag. Soothes formed over the past year, bend and shop. It is necessary to do it in the month of October. The next fall is separating and disembarking.

Another method of growing barbaris - cuttings. In June, it is necessary to cut 12-15 cm cuttings. Prepare the ground from the garden land and sand, plant the cuttings there. Plant cutlets better in greenhouse. For a permanent place, they can be planted in the fall of next year. Drop the trenches located in a checker order. The depth and width of them should be 40 cm. In the pit it is necessary to fall asleep: 5-6 kg. Pouring, 60-70 g of wood ash, 30 g of potassium sulfate, 40 g of double superphosphate. Saplings need to pour, climb the land with foliage or compost.

In the spring you need to neatly loosen the soil under the bushes. Periodically, weed to remove weeds, produce a weekly watering. You can feed the bushes of Barbaris by reaching the bushes for 3 years. The need for it disappears if the annual autumn mulching of the soil is carried out. After 6-7 years, the bushes need to be rejuvenated. Early spring you need to remove a large half of the old branches, leaving 5-8 cm. Hemp.

Diseases are striking only weakened plants that do not receive proper care. Processing of Barbaris Breeds Influence Korovakka helps to get rid of malievable dew. From barberryphids, strong infusion of economic soap helps well.

The first 2-3 years of the Barbaris bushes for the winter must be covered with dry leaves, peat or sweetheart.

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