Mulch is a kind of protective blanket for soil. On the one hand, it does not give earth to stop, on the other, fights weeds.
Soil mulch - desirable work on the summer site, if only the owners do not want to water the garden every day, then loosen the beds and pull out weeds. Mulch does not give moisture to quickly evaporate from the surface of the Earth and, thus, reduces the amount of irrigation. The protective layer of any suitable material does not give on Earth to form a dry crust.
With weeds mulch fights so that they are simply unable to grow without sunlight. If the beds with just asked or planted plants to climb, leaving on the surface only a bush of Bulgarian pepper or strawberries, then future weeds will not be able to break through the thick layer of mulch.
And the mulch will help keep clean berries that grow close near the Earth. Strawberry, which will be designed with such a bed, you can immediately eat, not afraid to feel sand or land on your teeth. Of course, if you are sure that it was not recently treated with pests.
As a mulch, you can apply any organic: straw, hay, wood chips, nut shells, humid, compost, beveled grass and fallen leaves. For vegetable and berry beds, it is best to use a straw mulch, it holds moisture longer. The humid and compost, except for the protective function, will also well support vegetables.
The hay is better to lay out around large trees - it can have many seeds of various plants, which are absolutely not needed on a garden with tomatoes. Wood sawdust and chips during rotting are very absorbed by nitrogen, so they should not be applied to vegetables, but they can be decorated with alpine slides and flower beds.
In addition to organic mulch, in the garden and garden you can use any blowing materials: burlap, slicing of rubberoid, paper, cardboard, polyethylene film. These materials with the task, of course, will cope. But do not forget that there may be unwanted chemical compounds in their composition, which then go into the soil. Yes, and aesthetically, such a paper-cardboard mulch does not look very visually. But today, an environmentally friendly decorative mulch is sold in garden shops, with which you can not only protect all plants, but also to bring beauty on your site.
You want not only to work on your dacha, but also rest, inspire vegetable and flower beds. By this, you will save a bunch of time and you can fully enjoy life in nature.