When put tulips

When put tulips

Today, as many years ago, in the spring, the mountains of Central Asia will settle blooming pestry Carpets from the first spring "serious" flowers. In Turkey, the tulip loved the inhabitants so much that they predetermined his current name. Tulip - Sweetsters from the word "Churban", National Turkish Head Upora. And wild tulips grow everywhere: how on stone soil among black Rocks and in sandy arid areas.

Tulips are taken in autumn. This is the opinion of most gardeners. Planting the bulbs are necessary before frosts. For the optimal life cycle, the tulip bulb must be stupid and rooted. It is better if the bulb put at the end of September. However, there are people who argue that the spring landing will be more productive than autumn. Who is right, and how is the situation actually? Let's tell me.

If They will delve into the life cycle and the predisposition of tulips, then there are obvious facts:

  • tulips are the first spring flowers after snowdowns that differ pestry paints and are considered a novenomatic spring plant;
  • the flowering period falls on a soft moderate warm weather;
  • stems flexible and elastic, and a flower head is fresh and ajar;
  • the period of active flowering - the middle-end of March;
  • in the hot climatic conditions, tulips fade quickly, dry out and flowing, deepening in cool soil in order to re-release the roots and prepare for the spring awakening;
  • tulip is not picky in the choice of soil: will grow as in chernozemand among the stones.

Natural flowering period is possible only after winter cooling. Lukovki can be frozen for the winter and leave in the ground. If you decide to leave tulips to winter, it would be nice to cover them with dry leaves, filmstraw. If you expect to grow gorgeous, large flowers, then focus on the soil temperature. If the mark reached 7 9 degrees of heat, it means it is time to plant tulips. If the temperature indicator will be higher or after landing freight Up, it means, do not wait for nothing good. The fact is that warm The basis of the bulb is not rooted, letters sprouts, and with the onset of frosts they will lose them.

If The temperature will be too low, then rooting is not happen or it will be ineffective, and the result will affect the spring shoots of the plant and its activity during flowering. If in a ridiculous accident you tightened the landing and senses only to December, then bulbies yet You can land in a well-groomed flower, and after her Heat film Or sprinkle with snow. Still, this option is better than the spring landing. If it's very bad, and you remembered it closer to the spring, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure to admire the gentle beautiful flowers.

Front Planting Take the bulWhis and put the fridge at night. The next day place chilled Tulips into a weak mortar solution. After emergency rehabilitation, you can land the bulbs in the ground. Such manipulations are profitable no later than April, but if in the region of your habitat, the climate is severe, and April does not bring down warmth, then it is better to hope, and lukichki put in the home pots with soil, and after transfer to the flowerbed together with your native earth.

Despite the prejudices about the autumn landing of the bulbs in the soil, planting tulips, as it turned out, can be transferred to the spring, however, remember the preparatory procedures that contribute to the normalization of the cycle.

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