How to water tulips

How to water tulips

Having admiring the blooming tulips on the city clubs, many of the owners of private houses are sideways and in their own area these beautiful spring flowers. But then it turns out that bought bulbs, even the most expensive, do not turn into a luxurious flowering field. All because tulips require careful care, including the right watering.

The view that the spring bulbous plants quite grabs moisture after the melting of snow, erroneously. It was relevant for another 20 years ago, when there was no global warming on Earth. Today the climate has changed so much that the same spring comes very quickly and land under the sun dries literally for a week. In this situation, bulbous plants do not have time to enjoy moisture, and the flowers are flourishing very small and unfounded. So that the tulips please be the eye, they need to help and watering, and feeding.

Tulips belong to moisture-loving plants, but they do not tolerate the convergence - with daily irrigation of the bulb in Earth simply rotate. Water the tulips as soon as you see that the land near the bushes begins to be covered with a dry crust. It is desirable before irrigating the land near Kustikov to explode a small flower hoe. If the tulips are planted very thickly, it is better not to do this not to damage the neighboring plants. In order for the tulips in the future, it was convenient to water, with the autumn landing, put on the bulbs in long beds with a distance between them at least 15 cm. Then watering produce into the groove, which will need to be done in this inter-row space. After watering, so that the moisture does not evaporate very quickly, fall asleep the earth.

Watering onion spend, ranging from their shoots and until the end of flowering. When watering, make sure that the water does not fall into the leaves or the flowers themselves. It is best to water tulips from watering can with a narrow nose, from which the grid-sprinkler is removed. In greenhouse farms, tulips are moisturized using a drip irrigation system. If you have such a garden "assistant" on the site, then laid the rubber tubes and in a bed with tulips. Although the bulbs of tulips and winter in the ground, but it is necessary to water them with warm water. It is enough to pour water into a garden tank and put it in the sun, so that later this lifeful moisture to give your beauties.

Typically, tulips are fed in the fall, when dug and dried bulbs are sled in the bed. But autumn tightening rains can wash all nutrients out of the ground. If the autumn was too wet, then the tulips should be easily supported and in the spring. The feeder is better combined with watering, so fertilizers will certainly reach bulbs, and the flowers will dissolve strong and beautiful. Special fertilizer for bulbous can be bought in a garden store or make himself. Most tulips require potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus - mix them in such proportions: 2, 5/1 /, 2. Put this in water (1 tablespoon on 5 liters) and adopt the tulips after their germs, but even before the appearance of buds .

Instead of purchased fertilizer, you can use organic mulch (overwhelmed manure, humus or peat). They must be scattered between the bushes of tulips with a layer of 2-3 cm and when watering ordinary water, the useful substances will flow into the ground. Water tulips are recommended after lunch when the sun is already beginning to roll to the sunset, but not the most late evening. In the evening, it is not recommended to water them, so that unnecessary moisture is not formed near the sun, and in the first half of the day, so that the Earth does not take a crust under the active rays of the heavenly shining.

Watering tulips must be stopped as soon as they blend. The bulbs for their full ripening excessive moisture will only hurt. But the land between bushes is desirable to loosen and further so that oxygen flows to the roots. After completely drying the ground part (different types of tulips can occur at least at the end of May, even at the beginning of July), the bulbs need to dig and dry.

If you adhere to our tips on watering and feeding tulips, then you will definitely bloom the luxurious spring flowers in bed. These recommendations also use both other bully: daffodils, crocuses, muskari, hyacinths, garden snowdrops. Tips on the autumn landing on the bulbous you will see in the video clip presented.

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