How to water seedlings

How to water seedlings

Experienced gardeners of gardeners about the future crop begin to take care of the early spring. Well, when it is possible to grow seedlings in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. Most citizens are forced to grow it on the windowsill. Watering seedlings depends on the variety of culture, its age, the level of humidity, lighting and capacity in which the seedlings are grown.

Seeds are driving into a well-moisturized land. Before the appearance of sections, watering can only harm - the upper layer of the soil will die, and the seeds will be on the surface. So that the moisture does not evaporate and the earth did not swap, the tanks with the future seedle are covered with film or glass. It is convenient to use plastic containers for sowing.

Those who appeared thin sprouts should be watered carefully. With a layer of land, 3-4 cm pour water on the side of the tank with small portions. When growing seedlings in deep pots and boxes, water should be made under the root. Take advantage of a spoon or a syringe without a needle. After irrigation, plunge the dry soil layer. The first watering is enough for 5-7 days. During this time, the plants are formed roots that will be able to absorb moisture. So that young seedlings have developed a strong root system, it is not very often watering.


Seed out of any age will not forgive you surplus moisture in the soil. When rewarding, the risk of fungal disease "Black leg" arises. This disease is subject to seedlings of many vegetable crops - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce. The disease is striking the root neck of the plant, as a result of which it will become poorly developed, and it will die at all. Water seedlings moderately. For young seedlings, just one art pack. Spoons under the root.

Healing soil is a bad assistant when growing seedlings. Follow the air temperature. The referring crust on the surface of the Earth says that the seedlings need to urgently pour. Do not wait when leaves will start to descend. Cucumbers are watered with a partial soil drying. It is important to catch the moment here - not to give the earth to stop, but also watering the use of still wet soil will bring.

It is not recommended to water seedlings with tap water. It is believed that melting snow is preferable. But what if you grow seedlings on the windowsill in urban conditions? Pure snow in the city there is no place. Output is one - use the sparkling tap water. Fill the water bucket or bottles, let it stand for 3 days. Capacities do not close tightly. Optimal water temperature for watering - 22-24º. In rainwater collected in urban environments, there is many harmful impurities.


Should I water seedlings with mineral water? This is an extra spending of funds. In addition, you can never be sure that the content of minerals specified on the label corresponds to the contents of the bottle.

There are two ways of irrigation - directly on the soil under the root or "bottom". Do not leut water on the leaves. When irrigating the bottom of the bottom, the pot or cassette with the seedy put on the pan, which periodically poured water. Soil absorbs the required amount of moisture. In this way, only the rooted seedlings are watered.

Watering the seedlings is better to spend in the morning or during the day. At night, the air temperature decreases, the roots can start refusing in wet cold soil.

The correct and timely watering of seedlings of suitable water will allow you to grow strong healthy plants with a developed root system.

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